#151 2008-11-05 00:16:50

ptah13 wrote:

So who is going to start the redneck attack count-down pool thread?

I'm praying the conservatives act more adult-like following this election than the liberals did following the last election....  It was really weak and pathetic on their part how they painted everyone with any conservative ideologies as being uneducated and redneck.... I lost a lot of respect for them after that....  Hopefully the conservatives concede with grace and decide to change themselves rather than bitch, whine and accuse....  The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....



#152 2008-11-05 00:17:58

orangeplus wrote:

LA Times is saying the mostly conservative parts of the state are reporting earliest

This is true as only 11 % of precincts are in with prop 8 passing (no gay marriage) None of the N CA or S CA  urban areas are in. What little trend is reported in these areas breaks heavily for the rump thumpers. And if that percentage lead holds will overcome the more conservative parts of the state by shear numbers



#153 2008-11-05 00:26:10

Dirckman wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

So who is going to start the redneck attack count-down pool thread?

I'm praying the conservatives act more adult-like following this election than the liberals did following the last election....  It was really weak and pathetic on their part how they painted everyone with any conservative ideologies as being uneducated and redneck.... I lost a lot of respect for them after that....  Hopefully the conservatives concede with grace and decide to change themselves rather than bitch, whine and accuse....  The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

Many will show class.

Congratulations, Obama

posted at 11:37 pm on November 4, 2008 by Allahpundit

One of the last things Dean Barnett said to me was that, as best he could tell, Barack Obama is “a good guy and a decent man.” I don’t think he’d mind me telling you that, especially under the circumstances. It’s a testament to his generosity of spirit that even in the heat of a campaign, with every reason to think the worst of his opponent, Dean couldn’t help but give him the benefit of the doubt. That’s Barnett all over, and that’s what made him an indispensable man whom we’ve been forced, horrendously, to dispense with.

I offer that as comfort to those of you who have no faith in The One but who do have faith in, and abiding affection for, DB. My guess is he’d have handled the news tonight with the same magnanimity that distinguished all of his writing. So in that spirit, congratulations to Barry O on a race superbly run and to our country for not having let the wrong reasons deter it from making the wrong choice. I’ll never be a fan, but I swear I’ll never take a nutroots posture either in relishing his failures because it helps my party. Like it or not, he’s my president. As a great man once said, country first.

I don't hold out the same hope for his boss.

The One ascends; McCain concedes

By Michelle Malkin  •  November 4, 2008 11:15 PM

...It’s a historic moment.


Here’s my promise to you: As long as I can still publish a blog and speak my mind openly about the next denizen of the White House, I will.

First order of business: He can now change the “0″ to a “1.”


Second order of business: Will he bring the Greek columns out for Inauguration Day?


Commenter Valiant: “Third order of business: De-brand the GOP of McCain and the idea that we need a RINO because ‘he can win.’ Never again.”

Republicans need to learn from their losses. First step: Don’t put the same old, same old capitulationists and re-branding pimps in leadership positions.

You know the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


President Bush congratulates Obama: “Awesome.”

12:01am Eastern. Obama is giving his victory speech in front of more American flags than ever. Congratulates McCain and Palin....

“The challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime.” Here we go: mortgages, college education, saving the planet. “Our climb will be steep.”

But don’t worry, Peggy, you’ll get your gas and bills paid!

12:11am Eastern. Obama addresses opponents: “I will be your president, too.” Then he turns to his real constitutency: Citizens of the World. “There’s a new dawn in America.”

Fidel Castro applauds.

Obama’s now leading a creepy, cult-ish “Yes, We Can” call and refrain.

Obama declares it the new national creed.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2008-11-05 00:38:27)



#154 2008-11-05 00:27:40

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.



#155 2008-11-05 00:30:01

Wait, Democrats aren't seriously going to try and shut down talk-radio, are they?

C'mon now. That has to be a myth.....



#156 2008-11-05 00:33:03

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

Prices drop each election.  Please pay attention.



#157 2008-11-05 00:33:15

And from Rush himself today:

"They're worried about some of these lib talkers in their various places.  You know, my philosophy, let me explain. Here's the way to look at this.  If Obama wins, Whoopi Goldberg is still insane.  If Obama wins, Joy Behar is still unhinged and demented.  They all are.  I mean, if Obama wins, the liberals are still going to be liberals -- and look it, when they win elections, they're dangerous.  They're always funny, but they're dangerous when they win elections."



#158 2008-11-05 00:34:58

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

I don't think I can completely blame Kerry for his loss....  I think what killed his campaign were the extremely vocal far left wing nut jobs like Michael Moore who were so vocal that they gave people the impression that the Democratic party truly felt the way they did...  I think Michael Moore and his kind did the Democrats a huge favor by being relatively quiet this election...



#159 2008-11-05 00:39:15

Dmtdust wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

Prices drop each election.  Please pay attention.

So then why did they tell us it was going to be $5 a gallon in October, last spring?

Don't tell me the news mislead us, knowing good and well that gas prices would, in fact, drop?!? I can't believe the good folks at CNN or MSNBC would do something like that. I just can't see them not knowing about the relationship between elections and gas prices. You know the editors of CNN and MSNBC are kicking themselves at both missing that one, hehe.



#160 2008-11-05 00:39:22

About Peggy Joseph that Michelle Malkin (and Neal Boortz earlier today) were referring to:

Stupid niggers...



#161 2008-11-05 00:45:20

Now I saw some video by some guy named "Diddy" on youtube the other day.

This tard was most certainly off his rocker. He proclaimed that once Obama is elected, black folks would "rise from ashes" and something about "what is owed will be paid in full". Then he went on to claim that white folks would know what it felt like to be the minority and insinuated, in yet another youtube video that the election of Obama will be the precursor to the "jacking of the white people" in order to flip the economic positions of white and black folk.

I, for one, would like to volunteer to go first and I chose flipping with that Oprah chick.

That Diddy guy... man... He obviously studies the "Tojo" school of thought. hehehe



#162 2008-11-05 00:47:18

The party in the street outside my window continues to grow



#163 2008-11-05 00:50:28

ptah13 wrote:

Wait, Democrats aren't seriously going to try and shut down talk-radio, are they?

C'mon now. That has to be a myth.....

Schumer on the Fairness Doctrine: Just think of it as regulating pornography

Don't fret my righty brethren, I am an unhinged left wing radical who hates many aspects of this country and I will do everything I can to make Schumer stick a sock in it.



#164 2008-11-05 00:50:52

ptah13 wrote:

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

You are being obtuse and taking the bait, if you really think politics have any realistic impact on events you are too far into the kool-aid to be saved.



#165 2008-11-05 00:54:05

AladdinSane wrote:

About Peggy Joseph that Michelle Malkin (and Neal Boortz earlier today) were referring to:

Wait... you mean there are actually people who think that, if Obama wins, black folks no longer need to work or pay for anything?

This is something, I would think, that, if you were Obama, you might want to clarify early in your administration. I'm think that the inauguration speech guys might consider throwing a few lines, early in the speech, addressing this issue. Hell, if word doesn't get out, this could really be a problem for a new administration. Do you want to be the cop telling Peggy, "yes, ma'am, yes you do have to pay for that gas you got back there at the circle K"?

Being a deadhead, I know that if a large mass of folk all break the law at the same time, there isn't much the law can do about it. So they probably want to get out in front of this, especially before some email comes out that says, "you wont have to work or pay for anything AND if you send this to everyone on your mailing list, something REALLY COOL happens!! I'm 100% serious!! I can't tell you what it is buy you will love it so send it out right away to everybody and it will blow your mind!!!".

Imagine the chaos?

Unless, of course, it is some policy that the news folks missed (which, apparently according to some other posters on here, happens pretty frequently, I guess). If that is the case then I don't know how that is going to work out. Is this just a perk for black folk or do other minorities get to not work or pay for stuff?



#166 2008-11-05 00:54:17

ptah13 wrote:

Now I saw some video by some guy named "Diddy" on youtube the other day.

This tard was most certainly off his rocker. He proclaimed that once Obama is elected, black folks would "rise from ashes" and something about "what is owed will be paid in full". Then he went on to claim that white folks would know what it felt like to be the minority and insinuated, in yet another youtube video that the election of Obama will be the precursor to the "jacking of the white people" in order to flip the economic positions of white and black folk.

Soo sad for them that Barry is actually white...

While he represents a sea change that change is not for us whiteys, we truly stopped caring 30 years ago.  Now it's only about who can create the best revenue stream.

The uneducated fucks of any color will never understand that.

The same as they will never understand that all that money can buy a lot of really scary tanks...



#167 2008-11-05 00:56:31

Less serious you stooppit seppos!




#168 2008-11-05 00:56:39

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Wait, Democrats aren't seriously going to try and shut down talk-radio, are they?

C'mon now. That has to be a myth.....

Schumer on the Fairness Doctrine: Just think of it as regulating pornography

Don't fret my righty brethren, I am an unhinged left wing radical who hates many aspects of this country and I will do everything I can to make Schumer stick a sock in it.

Bless you my unhinged radical brother!

Glad to hear it!



#169 2008-11-05 00:58:07

I just heard from Fox News that Bobby Jindal is already started up an exploratory committee in Iowa for 2012...



#171 2008-11-05 01:25:04

AladdinSane wrote:

I just heard from Fox News that Bobby Jindal is already started up an exploratory committee in Iowa for 2012...

for over a year amongst the wingnut blogosphere Jindal has been trumpted as the great white hope for those who believe you need a conservative populist to counter an Obama type. They just thought he was too inexperienced and needed to season with a track record. Before they all jumped on Palin most considered her to be a light weight compared to Jindal's chops.

It will be interesting if they now dump Palin for Jindal.

Of course the one with the most burning desire and who already has an in place 20012 campaign is Mitt. He did a very good job supporting McCain for the party, but he was always just putting in his time as a team player so he could build the bridges to being the starting pitcher next season.



#172 2008-11-05 02:19:44

Fox News is already going through withdrawls. They just took a honk on the crack pipe for old times sake by reporting breathlessly that the RNC chairman is ecstatic that Ted Stevens and his corruptocrat mate in the house Young, are up a few percentage points with 39% precincts reporting.

Wherever you are James II this notes for you: BWAHAHAHA

In other news the race is too close to call for that clown Franken who needs just a few 10ths of a percent, with most precincts in, to beat the incumbent Republican.



#173 2008-11-05 03:00:58

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

AladdinSane wrote:

I just heard from Fox News that Bobby Jindal is already started up an exploratory committee in Iowa for 2012...

for over a year amongst the wingnut blogosphere Jindal has been trumpted as the great white hope for those who believe you need a conservative populist to counter an Obama type. They just thought he was too inexperienced and needed to season with a track record. Before they all jumped on Palin most considered her to be a light weight compared to Jindal's chops.

It will be interesting if they now dump Palin for Jindal.

Of course the one with the most burning desire and who already has an in place 20012 campaign is Mitt. He did a very good job supporting McCain for the party, but he was always just putting in his time as a team player so he could build the bridges to being the starting pitcher next season.

Well, I wouldn't call Jindal the great "white" hope. He once scolded Homer Simpson for feeding his God peanuts when he still worked at the Kwik-E  Mart.



#174 2008-11-05 03:10:12

Ironically, Obama would be the "Great White Hope" in an Obama-Jindal election.



#175 2008-11-05 03:28:36

Banjo wrote:

Well, I wouldn't call Jindal the great "white" hope. He once scolded Homer Simpson for feeding his God peanuts when he still worked at the Kwik-E  Mart.

The nice thing about Jindal is that with his polytheism background he is willing to throw just about anyone's god a bone or two. Heck, this summer he signed the bill to have the god of the old testiment rewrite the science textbooks in LA

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2008-11-05 03:47:35)



#176 2008-11-05 03:29:55

jesusluvspegging wrote:

sofaking wrote:

I voted last Thursday.

Early voting takes so much of the fun out of it.  I could have gone in for early voting (like nearly 2 million (!) GA residents chose to do), but I kinda like to go stand in line on polling day and jaw with the other folks in line.

I, technically, voted at home. I filled out my ballot Monday but somehow tossing it into the mailbox seemed so anticlimactic. Instead, I walked it down to San Francisco's glorious city hall and got to take in all the hubbub and crowds and the general sense of excitement. I turned in my ballot and then watched several gay wedding party shots taking place in the central hall of the building, stopped by to get a look at the truly awful bust of Harvey Milk, and then went back out in to the rain.

I'll probably continue getting my ballot at home - it's nice to kick back over tea and vote in a leisurely manner, but I definitely enjoy going to the polls. I'll probably continue to take my ballot in once I've filled it out.



#177 2008-11-05 03:30:11

Heh, Franken is now up by 277 votes with 97% of precincts reporting.



#178 2008-11-05 03:39:25

orangeplus wrote:

Funny: I just ran into Cindy Shaheen outside my apartment.

I actually voted for Shehan, praying all the while to a non-existent god she loses. I'm so pissed off with Pelosi for being such a wet blanket I'm hoping enough people will vote against her just to knock some sense into her. But, dear, dear non-god, I hope Pelosi wins. I guess I should check the results.



#179 2008-11-05 03:55:01

ptah13 wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Well God bless America.

For a country that is often portrayed as a backwards pack of racists, we just elected our first black president by the largest popular vote margin in history (projected). Hell, America managed to elect their first black man before a white woman managed to get the helm. I'm not sure what that says about us, as a people, but we can now say, in America, if you work hard, anything is possible for anyone regardless of race.

No more can the claim be made that our country is run by the white man. For 4 years, you can't blame whitey for anything that goes wrong on a national level. It really is a weight off of the collective shoulders of all the rich and powerful white men. 

Seriously, though. Regardless of the mans politics, Obama did, at least, try and do what was successful for the Democrats of the past. Like Clinton, he started his campaign based on a positive message (hope, change, etc.). Clinton got in with a positive message. Kerry and Gore failed by overshadowing any message they had with a constant barrage of negativity. Yeah, both campaigns went negative, in the end, but Obama still managed to express his positive view for the future and that goes a long way with the folks in the middle.

He sure is a charismatic leader. I can only hope he will be the bipartisan centrist he said he would be, and not be the politician he was in the past.

Um, no.  The country doesn't get off that easy.  It's still run by rich, white men, and race is still a huge factor in people's lives.  This is an amazing, important step, but fuck you for trying that move.  That bullshit is the reason why it isn't over.

Did you see that part where I said, "Seriously, though"?

Any clue, at all, why I would put that there? Go ahead, take some time to yourself and think about it for a minute. No, really, take your time. Call a friend or loved one and read them my post, then tell them your reply and then ask them, "so, what do you think he meant by that, 'seriously folks' part?".

Fuck it, I'm gonna go ahead and just tell you. Yeah, I know, it spoils the fun but what the hell.

When I put that "seriously folks" part there, I was indicating that what I had just said, just prior to the "seriously folks" part, was, umm, (brace yourself), not serious?!?!?!?!?

Jesus fucking christ, Tojo. You're so fucking blinded by your own opinions and banalities that you fail to understand anything you read when it is written by someone on your "bad guy" list.

I'm way past feeling sorry for you. I say something completely nice ("anything is possible regardless of race") then throw in a little satire ("whitey is free") and even spell it out for idiots who didn't realize I wasn't serious (by saying, "seriously folks") and you still feel the need to rip my ass because you think that is what I really believe. What do folks have to do for morons like you, say "umm, that last part was 'just kidding', ok, ok? really I was kidding. not serious at all". Is that what it takes to get through to you, Tojo?

Thank god there aren't many people as stupid as you are on the internet.


Massive PTAH-FAIL.
Dumb-dumb, f you're too stupid to create a decent argument, you're too stupid to take on Tojo. When pseudonip opens his mouth thoughts fall out. When you open yours, it excretes desperate, under-educated, under-masticated bullshit. The little rhetorical wiggle you tried above didn't work - you don't even have enough brains to be a con-man. You're a sad loser with an unfortunate penchant for extroversion.

In honour of your stupidity, I present the Idiot Test.



#180 2008-11-05 06:44:45

Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuck Yeah



#181 2008-11-05 06:54:24

Wow. She really got excited about the Idiot Test.



#182 2008-11-05 07:06:23

I knew when Obama had hit 270 by the calamitous jubilation in the streets of my apartment complex.

Not many white folks live here.



#183 2008-11-05 07:17:15

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I knew when Obama had hit 270 by the calamitous jubilation in the streets of my apartment complex.

Not many white folks live here.

Me too, but only white folks live here.



#184 2008-11-05 07:27:39

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Wow. She really got excited about the Idiot Test.


Admit it, Wilber: you're just miffed that you can't use any of your prepared Stupid-Bigoted-Americans-I-Can't-Believe-You-Passed-Over-The-More-Qualified-Candidate-To-Vote-In-That-Old-White-Guy material.

And you know what else? Indiana went blue. Blue. Fucking blue. Indiana. Blue. Suck it, motherfuckers!

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#185 2008-11-05 07:34:19

ah297900 wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I knew when Obama had hit 270 by the calamitous jubilation in the streets of my apartment complex.

Not many white folks live here.

Me too, but only white folks live here.

And while the blacks and the whites threw up their arms and rejoiced, in mutuality of spirit, if not surroundings, the yellow men rubbed their palms together with vicious glee and laid the plans for global domination.... "Ha ha...velly stupid white peeper...haha...they vote for niggers! Haha! Now they lazy flom top down! We work harder than they do! We make more babies than they do! We will make them all say solly! Big penis BAD! Small penis good! Banzaiiiiiii!" Etc.



#186 2008-11-05 08:31:24

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

Gas prices went up because of speculation; they went down because of actual demand.  The speculators always pull a fast one and predict that the demand will go through the roof, and thus the price goes up.  This time demand actually went down because people only drove when necessary.  Bush didn't do jack shit because he asked OPEC to increase production and they laughed in his face.  Yesterday I heard that the price of crude is rising again because OPEC has decidec to DECREASE production (based on lack of demand).  It's a convoluted shell game, and Bush played no role in it really.  He was a lame duck long before the election.



#187 2008-11-05 09:03:21

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

Gas prices went up because of speculation; they went down because of actual demand.  The speculators always pull a fast one and predict that the demand will go through the roof, and thus the price goes up.  This time demand actually went down because people only drove when necessary.  Bush didn't do jack shit because he asked OPEC to increase production and they laughed in his face.  Yesterday I heard that the price of crude is rising again because OPEC has decidec to DECREASE production (based on lack of demand).  It's a convoluted shell game, and Bush played no role in it really.  He was a lame duck long before the election.

Well good of you to tell us all this now!!!

And here I voted for Obama because I really believed Bush was responsible for high gas prices (and hurricanes). Damn... fooled again!

Seriously, I knew all this and was just being a smarmy-ass in my previous post. I was happy to watch speculators continue to buy crude at $110 a bbl, and then watch it drop like a stone to the lowest prices in decades. Life is good.



#188 2008-11-05 09:17:26

karenw wrote:

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Wow. She really got excited about the Idiot Test.


Admit it, Wilber: you're just miffed that you can't use any of your prepared Stupid-Bigoted-Americans-I-Can't-Believe-You-Passed-Over-The-More-Qualified-Candidate-To-Vote-In-That-Old-White-Guy material.

Prepared? You think I need to prepare to participate in an on-line forum? And you dare to call my tirades material?Shit, lady, my daily ex tempore output equals a year's worth of your menstrual-ink outpourings. Seriously, if you were closer I'd turn you over my knee and smack your little cheeks cherry red with the flat of my hand. (Especially if you wore your little Ghoul Guide outfit. How about you put that back on and do a little strip tease for your friendly Unkle Wilber? I'll give you ice cream....)

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#189 2008-11-05 09:32:14

ptah13 wrote:

Seriously, I knew all this and was just being a smarmy-ass in my previous post.

  Ptah13 - HKG's Bitch.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#190 2008-11-05 14:04:02

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Dirckman wrote:

The only reasons the Republicans lost this election was because of themselves....

I will say this, though. Kerry lost because of himself. So did Gore.

I bet those Democrat legislators that laughed and told the republicans "you're nuts" when the republicans cried "AIG, Lehman Bros, Fanny and Freddie are all going to collapse" are patting themselves on the back. That, more than anything, cost McCain the election.

Hell, gas has dropped to it's lowest price (here) in 4 years and there is no real news about it.

That reminds me. Since gas is at a 4 year low (1.92 is what I paid the other day but it was down less than that), does Bush get full credit for that, like he got the blame for high gas prices? Shouldn't MSNBC run a weeks worth of reports explaining how the Bush administration is deserving of praise due to their low gas prices? Must be all that oil we were supposed to steal from Iraq when we invaded. What I don't understand is, we invaded and got all the oil, why did we wait till now to release it and get low gas prices? Man, if anything, Bush has questionable timing. He must really not like McCain, is all I can figure.

Gas prices went up because of speculation; they went down because of actual demand.  The speculators always pull a fast one and predict that the demand will go through the roof, and thus the price goes up.  This time demand actually went down because people only drove when necessary.  Bush didn't do jack shit because he asked OPEC to increase production and they laughed in his face.  Yesterday I heard that the price of crude is rising again because OPEC has decidec to DECREASE production (based on lack of demand).  It's a convoluted shell game, and Bush played no role in it really.  He was a lame duck long before the election.

Gas prices also went down as a result of the financial collapse (well, oil prices anyway).  Futures are another derivative, and the collapse of Lehman Brothers caused a bunch of defaults among people in the oil futures market as well, and most people were buying on margin.  It was a nice little double-whammy to an already shrinking market.



#191 2008-11-05 14:27:14




#192 2008-11-05 14:35:39

Hey, what's with the guy at the end?



#193 2008-11-05 15:00:45

What happens when the other party wins. . .

Last edited by lechero (2008-11-05 15:05:15)



#194 2008-11-05 15:20:14

lechero wrote:

What happens when the other party wins. . .

Wow - I believe that has to be the first College Humor video that I've seen which was actually funny.



#195 2008-11-05 15:38:27

Decadence wrote:

Wow - I believe that has to be the first College Humor video that I've seen which was actually funny.

May-be they've hired Princess Biscuit.



#196 2008-11-05 15:39:51

Nice to see that Nader is still a douche.



#197 2008-11-05 16:17:19

choad wrote:

Decadence wrote:

Wow - I believe that has to be the first College Humor video that I've seen which was actually funny.

May-be they've hired Princess Biscuit.

Then it wouldn't be funny, now, would it?



#198 2008-11-05 18:18:08

Taint wrote:

choad wrote:

Decadence wrote:

Wow - I believe that has to be the first College Humor video that I've seen which was actually funny.

May-be they've hired Princess Biscuit.

Then it wouldn't be funny, now, would it?

Not in the slightest. Besides, the only plastic dolls in that video were singing the national anthem.



#199 2008-11-05 18:42:10

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Prepared? You think I need to prepare to participate in an on-line forum? And you dare to call my tirades material?Shit, lady, my daily ex tempore output equals a year's worth of your menstrual-ink outpourings. Seriously, if you were closer I'd turn you over my knee and smack your little cheeks cherry red with the flat of my hand. (Especially if you wore your little Ghoul Guide outfit. How about you put that back on and do a little strip tease for your friendly Unkle Wilber? I'll give you ice cream....)

Heh. I think I'm getting to you.



#200 2008-11-05 18:54:33

tojo2000 wrote:

Nice to see that Nader is still a douche.

He's gone nuts.

Failure can do that to a person.



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