#1 2007-10-26 18:35:24
Just like it says: http://www.ultrateenchoice.org/default. … tentID=591
I love their logo..
"Diamond" must be some of that new teen slang that I'm too old to understand...
It's too bad we missed Abstinence Awareness Week.
Have a look around--don't miss what they have to say about immunizing girls against cervical cancer.
#2 2007-10-26 18:58:28
I think the message is that a girl is supposed to have her hymen excised just before her wedding day and have it set in a piece of jewelry for her husband. Perhaps centered in a large gold medallion with a border of diamonds and of course with a heavy gold chain.
#3 2007-10-26 19:55:00
What I don't understand is how the Generation Most Likely To Be Deflowered In The Back Seat Of A Dodge Charger came to be so horrified by the thought of their younguns locating their genitalia and figuring out what to do with them.
Sex didn't kill us. With reasonable precautions, it won't kill this generation. I don't get the rush to form purity posses.
#4 2007-10-27 09:23:08
Montecore wrote:
I don't get the rush to form purity posses.
I don't get the urge to banality kill, but you might fix that.
#6 2007-10-27 14:03:20
pALEPHx wrote:
Montecore wrote:
I don't get the rush to form purity posses.
I don't get the urge to banality kill, but you might fix that.
I know, I know.
You've had two years to grow claws, Jungle Red, yadda yadda queeny yadda.
#7 2007-10-28 08:50:15
felch wrote:
Urge to banality? Your heart would stop beating the second you stopped "me-too", "I'm too cool to handle" banality reetard.
That's twice, and no one's caring, or listening to you.
Montecore wrote:
You've had two years to grow claws, Jungle Red, yadda yadda queeny yadda.
At least you remembered "The Women." You must be old.
#8 2007-10-28 11:28:34
Damn, if this kind of crap was good to go for me, I would check with my local cable provider to insure I was receiving the Logo channel; or some such shit.
#9 2007-10-28 13:15:00
pALEPHx wrote:
At least you remembered "The Women." You must be old.
And you knew exactly where the quote came from. How many candles on your cake, Sweet Thang?
#10 2007-10-28 13:49:21
Boys... Boys... Get a Room, Puhleeze!
#11 2007-10-28 13:53:38
Dmtdust wrote:
Boys... Boys... Get a Room, Puhleeze!
When I need a room, I see I can ask you where one is to be found.
#12 2007-10-28 14:27:58
George Orr wrote:
Just like it says
Hey George Orr.