#1 2007-10-16 04:50:41
The Frankfurt Book Fair has an indicator to help publishers gauge public interest in the new offerings presented at the annual exhibition -- the unofficial "most stolen book" index.
"The most-stolen books are usually the most-sold later on," Claudia Hanssen of the Goldmann Verlag publishing house told Bild am Sonntag newspaper, which published a list of the 10 most stolen German-language books this year... (read more)
Before you go wondering what number Mein Kampf is at, one of the books on this year's list is the translation of An Inconvenient Truth, which is ironically now being shown to middle school students in Britain, but with a judge-applied disclaimer.
#2 2007-10-16 05:16:22
And where, pray tell, does the BIBLE rank ? Not, of course, that you couldn't just go to any motel dumpster and find about a hundred copies of the Gideon's version. They're very useful for soaking up Shriner jizz, and come in pretty handy for beating whores over the head. Or so I heard.
#3 2007-10-16 17:57:42
YouBastards wrote:
And where, pray tell, does the BIBLE rank?...They're very useful for soaking up Shriner jizz, and come in pretty handy for beating whores over the head.
I was actually wondering that exact thing (stolen bibles, not bitchslapping 'hos with Leviticus, tho that comes in a close second). Motel rooms--even, and perhaps especially, the seediest of them--are equipped with the KJV, free of charge. Some people snag soap, towels, and godsknow what else, but that particular book is so ubiquitous, it's like swiping water from a public fountain. Or they don't use it as asswipes/cumrags because they're somehow hypocritically convinced it's a sin of some kind to do so.
For better or worse, you can't steal what's being given away. I like to cut them up and make collages, actually. They don't make much [more] sense, except in an absurdist/dadaist kinda way, but it's fun.
Did you know that both Muslims and Mormons have to furnish a copy of their scriptures, at their own expense, if you ask for one? (and no, you don't need to be near a mosque, tabernacle, or cheap motel at the time)