#2 2023-04-12 21:16:49
Great Link. Thanks!
#4 2023-04-15 06:03:20
JetRx wrote:
Some of the statements made in the video are partly true. While the Ukraine government did not ban all political parties, it banned Russia backing parties. Also, while Ukraine's government did not ban speaking Russian, it did ban teaching in Russian in public schools. While these measures may be offensive, they are not hard to comprehend given that Russia twice invaded Ukraine, bombed the hell out of its cities, kidnapped thousands of children, and occupied a significant portion of its territory.
#5 2023-04-26 21:32:45
Mr Vega going hard. Another smack down. Fucking hero!
~Look at the faces of these smug bubble-dwelling clowns.
Last edited by JetRx (2023-04-26 21:47:05)