#1 2007-10-08 08:30:46
I can't eat or drink (or even have my morning coffeeeeeeeeeeeee) until after my surgery today. I'm at work being a good worker bee, doing the half day thing.
Well, all I smell is coffee and I keep walking past the box of donuts. It's killing me.
Post something nasty for me, so I can quell my growing thirst and hunger.
Thanks in advance,
#2 2007-10-08 09:12:52
Have some pancakes. Yum!
#3 2007-10-08 09:41:00
Is that all you people got?
That was pretty nasty.
#5 2007-10-08 10:00:44
Oh come on! Contribute.
#7 2007-10-08 10:08:27
Did you mean to say something?
#8 2007-10-08 10:09:28
Roger_That wrote:
Did you mean to say something?
Sit on a piece of cheese and swallow a hamster. Clean you right out!
#9 2007-10-08 10:24:58
#10 2007-10-08 10:33:03
Not worried they'll get you under and start poking the wrong place, are we?
Hi, Jew!
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#11 2007-10-08 10:39:54
http://weirdpicturearchive.com/pics/med … egums.html
I can't get image shack to work, 'cause I'm at work....
don't want to get fired, so here's the address, it's gross....
#12 2007-10-08 10:46:37
Will Rasputin's pickled penis do?
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#13 2007-10-08 11:15:28
Stolen from Zorak:
#14 2007-10-08 11:31:09
Peace out, ya'll. It's Scalpel Time!
#15 2007-10-08 16:13:34
Good luck. (I didn't know they did gender reassignments on the half-day)
#16 2007-10-08 16:47:25
har har pale...
all is done. pain is minimal. only got tylenol with codeine. eh. left handed typing is for the birds.
#17 2007-10-08 18:14:39
Roger_That wrote:
only got tylenol with codeine.
Oh, I loved the Tylenol w/ codeine! To me that was better than the Vicodin. Just one bit of advice: Don't sign anything until you're off the yummy drugs.
#18 2007-10-08 18:40:42
I prefer the percocet. I am not getting the fun heroin-like kick...
George, this whole thing was completely pleasant for ther most part. Well see what tomorrow brings....
#19 2007-10-08 18:48:49
T#3 is fab. Enjoy it while it lasts. I had the liquid version when my jaw was broken. It was amusing to keep it right on my desk at work. I imagine your fapping schedule will also be off for a few days. Just pretend your right hand isn't returning your calls, so you're cheating with "Lefty."
#20 2007-10-08 18:56:17
im pretty sure fapping isnt in the plan for awhile. although i do plan to see how T3 and beer mix at happy hour wed night...
#21 2007-10-08 19:05:28
Actually, be very careful with that. In all my years of toying around with various substances before most of them got boring, the only inadvertent combination that ever gave me grief was opioids and alcohol. They shouldn't be idly combined by anyone who is not regularly trailed by an ambulance. I'm being serious, even if you know your own tolerances. We don't want to have to post about you, later in the week, under the title "Roger That, Over and Out."
#22 2007-10-08 19:09:30
HA. I am well versed in percocet and alcohol....but not the T3. I was thinking 1-2 beers max a few hours after having taken the T3...
#23 2007-10-08 20:52:01
I’m glad everything went ok. I’m not surprised to see you back so soon in spite of what you said about disappearing for a week or so.
#24 2007-10-08 21:20:02
I had no idea it would be this painless. other than having to type left handed its not bad. I am off work for the next week since i cant mouse or type so i have to do somethinfg...
#25 2007-10-08 21:30:08
Rog! You live? Congrats?
Who says you need your hands anyway?
#26 2007-10-08 21:41:21
Where are you i don't see you on IM!