#2 2008-10-31 18:35:15
There is something in English is called "milk line", in the same way as a mammal. This begins a little to armhulen, so we have facilities for breasts in armhulene and down on your belly and down on top of the thighs, she told VG Nett.
So there's more to, "Kiss my hind tit," than meets the eye?
#3 2008-10-31 19:16:27
choad wrote:
There is something in English is called "milk line", in the same way as a mammal. This begins a little to armhulen, so we have facilities for breasts in armhulene and down on your belly and down on top of the thighs, she told VG Nett.
So there's more to, "Kiss my hind tit," than meets the eye?
Think dog.
#4 2008-10-31 19:20:25
Do not impossible.
"Clinic for sexual enlightenment (KSO) in Oslo soon as the doors close for the year because of
Pengemangel could mean anything from back taxes to staph outbreak. Any guesses?
#5 2008-10-31 23:55:04
I count four. Do straight men always imagine an extra one?
#6 2008-11-01 00:24:20
pALEPHx wrote:
I count four. Do straight men always imagine an extra one?
The fifth one was growing in the armhulen. Can't you read?
#7 2008-11-01 05:10:53
Taint wrote:
The fifth one was growing in the armhulen. Can't you read?
I'd never even think to look in the armhulen. Then again, I dropped out of pangeborgen in the fifth graviditetsuke.
#8 2008-11-01 06:28:31
Is it just me, or does it look like someone took a bite out of one of them?