#1 2008-08-22 20:13:03
Lee Mercer http://www.mercerforpresident2008.com/home.html
Hell No
I'm a Beamon Boster http://whoismrbeamon.com/
#2 2008-08-22 22:36:27
If he ever discovers paragraphs I'll vote for him.
Question: This question was very broad. What would you do about this war?
Answer: My answer is that I know that it has to end. The cost is far too great for no gain for those of us back here at home in USA. Yes, there are military contractors that provide jobs for a few of us. Those jobs come at such a high cost to the tax payer both in loss of young lives and tax dollars that it has become evident that this is nothing more that a shake down of the American taxpayer. It may sound patriotic when you say, 'Freedom Isn't Free', but they are just words. Words that you have been programmed to believe, so that you will give no resistance, no matter what it may cost. The people programming us, want us to live in fear. Fear in our country is a big business. I call these people, who want us to allow them to continue unimpeded while they take and take and take from us the taxpayers, the "Pseudo Entitled". In times of real National crisis, everyone needs to contribute their fare share of the burden. The Pseudo Entitled are blind to this
idea. They don't care how far our country gets into debt. All they care about is getting their payments in full right off the top from your tax dollars...
#3 2008-08-23 01:44:07
I could never vote for someone who doesn't understand the appropriate use of an apostrophe.
#4 2008-08-23 02:24:56
And I just won't vote for an ex-Paultard.
#6 2008-08-23 14:43:18
His page on "the issues" only covers the war and abortions. His page on "?'s about me" cover where he was born, the time, the fact that he was born in a women's hospital and the weather that day.
#7 2008-08-25 09:47:38
SO, in other words, about exactly the same amount of information you are getting from the main line candidates?