#2 2007-10-16 18:58:25
I don't think I am smart enuff to get the whole "Go Cowboys" deal. Would one of you explain so I can enjoy too? GOD I love you like brothers and alter boys.
#3 2007-10-16 19:06:32
GoCowboys wrote:
I love you like brothers and alter boys.
Sometimes, a simple misspelling can say so much about a person.
PS to choad: My applause on the autotext, but that's going to get annoying after a while. It's also too PC. Why not go with a replace to "FSM" or just "Satan?" The latter should really piss off anyone who uses the original term repeatedly.
#4 2007-10-16 19:14:22
I was checking the censor feature and had a near fatal lapse of creativity.
#5 2007-10-16 19:26:39
Next time, just blacklist the following words: clown, emily, buttsecks, and Jon-Benet. We should be okay for about a month, thereafter.
#6 2007-10-16 19:51:50
opsec wrote:
I was checking the censor feature and had a near fatal lapse of creativity.
Run this by us again? I'm familiar with the censure feature but was hoping no one would find it.
#7 2007-10-17 07:54:45
pALEPHx wrote:
GoCowboys wrote:
I love you like brothers and alter boys.
Sometimes, a simple misspelling can say so much about a person.
PS to choad: My applause on the autotext, but that's going to get annoying after a while. It's also too PC. Why not go with a replace to "FSM" or just "Satan?" The latter should really piss off anyone who uses the original term repeatedly.
What did I misspell?
#8 2007-10-17 08:45:52
I see swollen pussy had a makeover yet again...
#9 2007-10-17 10:48:46
Wasn't me. Poor boy got on the wrong size of Hera, and now half of Olympus is tormenting him.
Bigcat, you misspelled "alter boy"... it's "altar boy". That aside, most of your common misspellings are UNDERLINED by the SPELL CHECKER before you POST THEM. Please make a note of it.
#10 2007-10-17 11:24:05
opsec wrote:
Wasn't me. Poor boy got on the wrong size of Hera, and now half of Olympus is tormenting him.
Bigcat, you misspelled "alter boy"... it's "altar boy". That aside, most of your common misspellings are UNDERLINED by the SPELL CHECKER before you POST THEM. Please make a note of it.
I apologise fromme the botome fo my hart. Thanks for your help.
#11 2007-10-17 12:02:19
Swollen Bic Cowboy aside, these word filters are outta control. "Crotch fruit" for c-h-i-l-d, "bunny felch" for any variant of f-u-c-k, and "HRH" being repeated ad nauseam. It's making the forum unreadable. While it's not as if I use obscenity frequently, or combine kids and fornication in the same sentence on purpose, I'd like to believe I could, if I so chose. The titles are already strange and obscure without extraneous queries tossing their word salad.
#12 2007-10-17 12:08:02
pALEPHx wrote:
The titles are already strange and obscure without extraneous queries tossing their word salad.
I was about to ask you how you could have found "Avid Homosexualist" so very strange and obscure, then I saw it had changed to "Dynamic Donut Puncher", and after I just died laughing, I ask myself again how you find this term ambiguous?
#14 2007-10-17 12:39:16
I wasn't referring to the user titles (I had remarked on 'mine' elsewhere, and suggested others, but either is fine...tho we don't want people confused into thinking I assault crullers in any but the most figurative sense). It's the censor/filter that's substituting for various text entries in both the post and title fields.
I wasn't even aware that PunBB had one, but it's not a very sophisticated feature, and can be modded in with relative ease. Regardless, the admins/moderators should have a private/invisible forum (if you don't already, tho it doesn't seem so) where they can discuss these sorts of things, or simply alert each other what changes they've made, who they've banned that day, etc. It saves a lot of headaches and rambling public threads.
Ops: Thx. I was contemplating 'de-gaying' the default skin a bit, but Taint talked me out of it (I didn't require much convincing). There are others, but not as many as HS. I was going for a "crackly lava" look on some of the separator GIFs.
#15 2007-10-17 12:42:48
pALEPHx wrote:
Regardless, the admins/moderators should have a private/invisible forum (if you don't already, tho it doesn't seem so) where they can discuss these sorts of things, or simply alert each other what changes they've made, who they've banned that day, etc. It saves a lot of headaches and rambling public threads.
That would be awesome!
If it existed, that is....
We'd be like the Illuminati.
#16 2007-10-17 13:20:47
Adjusting the "clock".
#17 2007-10-17 13:24:42
pALEPHx wrote:
I wasn't even aware that PunBB had one, but it's not a very sophisticated feature, and can be modded in with relative ease. Regardless, the admins/moderators should have a private/invisible forum (if you don't already, tho it doesn't seem so) where they can discuss these sorts of things, or simply alert each other what changes they've made, who they've banned that day, etc. It saves a lot of headaches and rambling public threads.
I'm feeling homesick already. The roofucker can help out with this.
#18 2007-10-17 14:06:51
sofaking wrote:
That would be awesome!
It's just being sensible. Most boards with as many, erm...staffmembers have them, and not just for backroom backstabbing. That way Choad and/or Ops et al. don't have to manually go over logs, "questionable" threads can temporarily be moved out of sight for review/editing, and you can keep a running ban list (with IPs, emails, or any other data) so the trolls don't know you're onto them. Right now, HS.org is running with one single category (and something called 'local' which seems like misapplied CMS or article forum). I don't know what the ACP of this boardware looks like, but one should be able create a new category or subforum and perm it so the Members group doesn't even know it exists. I'd probably password protect it as well, just to keep nosy shmucks from intuiting the URL.
#19 2007-10-17 14:10:21
This BBCode sucks. Wherethefuck are the sarcasm tags?
#20 2007-10-17 14:12:36
a new category or subforum and perm it so the Members group doesn't even know it exists. I'd probably password protect it as well, just to keep nosy shmucks from intuiting the URL.
It's working then.
"local" is the High Street main page (as opposed to the forum).
#21 2007-10-17 14:21:48
opsec wrote:
It's working then.
sofaking wrote:
This BBCode sucks. Wherethefuck are the sarcasm tags?
They're just "implied" in every post. You could always try RIM ME AND CHOKE ON MY DINGLEBERRIES
#22 2007-10-17 15:11:59
Hmm. You mean like a "Back Room" persay?
w00t! nERDs UniTE!
#23 2007-10-17 16:50:45
Roger_That wrote:
You mean like a "Back Room" persay?
Per se, even. Yeah, basically. I'm not trying to tell you what to do with or in it, just what a staff-only subforum/category is generally used for. Management [of member issues, soft-deletion of threads], instruction [site policies, tutorials for others on how to merge/split/prune threads], communication [among staff, to avoid redundancy/misunderstanding], etc.
There'd be little point in posting new topics for other than operational business there, but it will at least keep some of the "Who did what?" and other squabbling out of public view. I've always been of the mind that [L]users don't need drawn out explanations for official matters, but you definitely need to advise other staff, especially when people are on at different times and don't want to be sending a flurry of PMs to dozen people at once, then waiting for replies.
EDIT: Which is not to say that you can't also establish a "VIP/Hardcore/Backroom" thingy, if you wanted, but those do really poorly on new sites, and tend to piss off the uninvited in a way beyond the level of pissed-off originally intended.
Last edited by pALEPHx (2007-10-17 16:52:23)
#24 2007-10-17 16:53:40
pALEPHx wrote:
Roger_That wrote:
You mean like a "Back Room" persay?
Per se, even. Yeah, basically. I'm not trying to tell you what to do with or in it, just what a staff-only subforum/category is generally used for. Management [of member issues, soft-deletion of threads], instruction [site policies, tutorials for others on how to merge/split/prune threads], communication [among staff, to avoid redundancy/misunderstanding], etc.
There'd be little point in posting new topics for other than operational business there, but it will at least keep some of the "Who did what?" and other squabbling out of public view. I've always been of the mind that [L]users don't need drawn out explanations for official matters, but you definitely need to advise other staff, especially when people are on at different times and don't want to be sending a flurry of PMs to dozen people at once, then waiting for replies.
If only there was some sort of back room to host the meeting to vote on Phoenix's bright idea...
#25 2007-10-17 16:54:50
Hey paLEPHx...
Check your messages on here.
#26 2007-10-17 16:56:00
Roger_That wrote:
Hey paLEPHx...
Check your messages on here.
And they say I'm sofaking smart, I'm retarded.
#27 2007-10-17 16:59:38
huh? Cornfused.
#28 2007-10-17 17:05:44
sofaking wrote:
If only there was some sort of back room to host the meeting to vote on Phoenix's bright idea...
Oh, shaddap. I shall now cease droning pedantically about it.
#29 2007-10-17 21:54:03
pALEPHx wrote:
. . . "questionable" threads can temporarily be moved out of sight for review/editing . . .
Wouldn't it just be easier to restrict PonyBoy and Fortinbras to their own forum?
#30 2007-10-17 22:51:45
pALEPHx wrote:
Swollen Bic Cowboy aside, these word filters are outta control. "Crotch fruit" for c-h-i-l-d, "bunny felch" for any variant of f-u-c-k, and "HRH" being repeated ad nauseam. It's making the forum unreadable. While it's not as if I use obscenity frequently, or combine kids and fornication in the same sentence on purpose, I'd like to believe I could, if I so chose. The titles are already strange and obscure without extraneous queries tossing their word salad.
#31 2007-10-18 00:41:57
I'm ok folks! just broke the left femur in two places. expecting a full recovery.
#32 2007-10-18 01:10:01
Zombie Elvis wrote:
I'm ok folks!
Hey mate, who really gives a fuck.
#33 2007-10-18 01:28:47
pALEPHx wrote:
EDIT: Which is not to say that you can't also establish a "VIP/Hardcore/Backroom" thingy, if you wanted, but those do really poorly on new sites, and tend to piss off the uninvited in a way beyond the level of pissed-off originally intended.
Thank you. I could not agree more.
There are plenty of other venues for that sort of thing. Back rooms sow division. And never mind you go cross eyed trying to track all the simultaneous conversation.
Far as I'm concerned, it was a failed experiment. My apologies, pALEPHx, and my thanks.
#34 2007-10-18 05:54:13
choad wrote:
Far as I'm concerned, it was a failed experiment.
Yer welcome, but I did not mean to sow division by pointing out a thing that could sow division. The relevant people have been sucked up to, privately. I will think twice about parting that particular meat curtain again.