#1 2013-09-19 10:46:55
Sorry for this blatantly political post, but someone has to call this bastard on his lies and you won't see it on the national news. Obama must be speaking to his low information base because people of average intelligence find this laughable. If we have found it necessary to raise the debt ceiling over 100 times, I think we can safely speculate that this will lead to more debt.
Obama wrote:
"Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't been keeping up -- raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt
#2 2013-09-19 12:28:19
Our you calling our president a politician?
#3 2013-09-19 13:44:54
Emmeran wrote:
Our you calling our president a politician?
A real politician would have the skills to make his lies somewhat believable.
#4 2013-09-19 14:17:39
What makes you think this isn't part of a grand façade? Apparently your allegiance in one direction is preventing you from analyzing the play from all directions, it does take more than one person to throw a fight or run a political gambit.
We are where we are because all sides have colluded for cash and power.
#5 2013-09-19 14:53:00
Emmeran wrote:
What makes you think this isn't part of a grand façade? Apparently your allegiance in one direction is preventing you from analyzing the play from all directions, it does take more than one person to throw a fight or run a political gambit.
We are where we are because all sides have colluded for cash and power.
Perhaps, but if that's the case, the conspiracy needs to appoint someone else to do the lying for it. This guy just sounds like a buffoon to rational people.
#6 2013-09-19 16:15:50
Your're rational?
#7 2013-09-19 19:33:14
Speaking of liars Phreddy, tell me again how the POTUS can spend even one cent without the direct authorization of Congress?
If you were in the House, you could pass a budget that increases debt, then jump up and down screaming about how "the President RAISED our DEBT!!!" if you thought it would get you more campaign donations, but that still wouldn't change the facts. Most of those facts would reflect very poorly on your integrity, honor and your estimation of the intelligence of your constituents. Although, in some cases it would appear that that estimation would be spot-on.