#2 2012-12-10 20:52:03

Fuck him - he and his sort are part of the group that have kept warfare alive with the "humane combat" concept.  Burn it all down and make it all extremely horrible, that's the only way we'll ever make it stop.



#3 2012-12-10 21:10:53

No matter how horrible you make it, it won't stop.



#4 2012-12-10 22:27:18

Short and brutal is the best outcome you can hope for in warfare. Anyone who has watched cats fight knows that. The sooner you establish the pecking order, the sooner you can get back to subjugating the losers.



#5 2012-12-11 01:00:42

GooberMcNutly wrote:

Short and brutal is the best outcome you can hope for in warfare. Anyone who has watched cats fight knows that. The sooner you establish the pecking order, the sooner you can get back to subjugating the losers.

Maybe, but you're supposed to inflict the brutality on the other side, not your own. Making the punishment fit the crime for this will be a challenge.



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