#51 2007-12-07 18:25:52
phreddy wrote:
If they happen to be two black guys in a white neighborhood hauling electronics out of your neighbor's house and they refuse to stop and identify themselves, then they should expect the consequences.
The "failure to stop and identify" case here was Horn shouting "Move - you're dead!" followed two seconds later by a shot (and another less than a second later). There's no knowing exactly what happened in those two seconds since it's only audio but I can't help but believe that he had already made up his mind he was going to shoot them when he walked out his door.
I'm still divided on this one and need to have a clearer picture of the exact events though there probably won't ever be one unless a witness surfaces.
Last edited by Zookeeper (2007-12-07 18:26:58)
#52 2007-12-07 18:44:47
Zookie wrote:
I'm still divided on this one and need to have a clearer picture of the exact events though there probably won't ever be one unless a witness surfaces.
Well, as I said before, I'm fairly certain I would not have shot them, but they certainly do not deserve any quarter. Unlike death sentences for murderers, which have no effect as a deterrent, armed (and trained) citizens in each home would give every burgler the willies.
#53 2007-12-07 19:05:43
The deceased Gentlemen of Color used a crowbar to smash windows in order to enter the home. This indicates they were not invited visitors or expected service technicians. Under these circumstances, inducing a state of non-viability using a shotgun is not an unreasonable act.
Last edited by fnord (2007-12-07 19:06:40)
#54 2007-12-07 19:10:41
phreddy wrote:
Zookie wrote:
And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?
A mere technicality. Seriously though, although I doubt I would gun down someone breaking into my neighbor's home, I don't believe the shooter should be punished. Home invasion should be right up there with rape and murder and anyone caught in the act should be fair game for the neighborhood watch.
This wasn't a home invasion, this was a burglary.
#55 2007-12-07 19:31:42
phreddy wrote:
headkicker wrote:
Like I said, with that mentality someone will eventually shoot his neighbor's kid, and then the pendulum will swing in the other direction.
Well, if you're stupid enough to shoot someone or some thing that you can't identify, you shouldn't be trusted with a weapon. If they happen to be two black guys in a white neighborhood hauling electronics out of your neighbor's house and they refuse to stop and identify themselves, then they should expect the consequences.
Yeah, no one stupid ever owned a firearm. Great argument.
And of course, if they'd have identified themselves as burglars, he wouldn't have shot them. Again, great argument.
#56 2007-12-09 22:56:11
Sorry Headkicker... I like you lots and respect your opinion, but I think that shooting those guys sent out a pretty powerful message to would be criminals...... A person shouldn't be able to break into anybody's home and not have to worry about getting their fucking brains blown out.....
#57 2007-12-09 22:59:17
Dirckman wrote:
A person shouldn't be able to break into anybody's home and not have to worry about getting their fucking brains blown out.....
They still hang cattle thieves where you live, Dirck?
#58 2007-12-09 23:12:18
Dirckman wrote:
Sorry Headkicker... I like you lots and respect your opinion, but I think that shooting those guys sent out a pretty powerful message to would be criminals...... A person shouldn't be able to break into anybody's home and not have to worry about getting their fucking brains blown out.....
Do you really think people who commit crimes think that far ahead? I'll answer for you...they don't. That's why the death penalty has never been a deterrent.
Last edited by headkicker_girl (2007-12-09 23:18:21)
#59 2007-12-10 11:49:10
headkicker_girl wrote:
Do you really think people who commit crimes think that far ahead?
Yes, many surely would if it was a common enough occurrence (a person getting their had shot off while breaking into a home). You must think that all crooks aren't smart enough to work that out (as opposed to your highly educated self).
I'll answer for you...they don't.
And I'll explain to you why. Most people who break into homes don't end up with their heads shot off. It's simply because most people don't defend their homes with guns. You can argue whether that is a good thing or not but the fact remains that crooks aren't worried about something happening to them if it rarely happens to others.
That's why the death penalty has never been a deterrent.
Your absolute statement is false on its face. Clearly there are at least some who are dissuaded from engaging in murder due to the prospect of being put to death for it. But for the death penalty to be a deterrent to the degree of significantly reducing the murder rate a significant number of people will have to be convinced that 1) if they commit murder they will be caught 2) if they are caught they will be convicted and 3) if they are convicted they will be sentenced to death. Oh, and also 4) if they are sentenced to death they will actually be put to death. We aren't even close to hitting on all four of those cylinders.
#60 2007-12-10 12:43:34
Zookeeper wrote:
Your absolute statement is false on its face. Clearly there are at least some who are dissuaded from engaging in murder due to the prospect of being put to death for it. But for the death penalty to be a deterrent to the degree of significantly reducing the murder rate a significant number of people will have to be convinced that 1) if they commit murder they will be caught 2) if they are caught they will be convicted and 3) if they are convicted they will be sentenced to death. Oh, and also 4) if they are sentenced to death they will actually be put to death. We aren't even close to hitting on all four of those cylinders.
DING DING DING! They have to actually believe they will be caught. The fucking idiot who is breaking into your house doesn't think he's going to be caught by the police, the homeowner, or a vigilante neighbor. Otherwise, he might pick another career choice. The one thing all criminals have in common is the belief that they are smarter than the system and that the rules don't apply to them.
Anyway, it'll be fun when the grieving girlfriends bring wrongful death lawsuits against mister vigilante on behalf of their bastard babies. There's a good chance they'll prevail and he'll lose his home. That's justice as far as I'm concerned.
#61 2007-12-10 14:47:37
Headkicker wrote:
DING DING DING! They have to actually believe they will be caught. The fucking idiot who is breaking into your house doesn't think he's going to be caught by the police, the homeowner, or a vigilante neighbor
Either you aren't listening, or you refuse to get it. If everyone of sound mind kept a weapon handy to deal with home invasions (or as Tojo calls them, burgleries), it would be a very strong deterrent because justice would be swift and deadly. Every burgler would have to consider the odds of being killed in every breakin. The death penalty is not a good deterrent because not only is justice slow coming, but the crime often involves passion that overrides the perp's common sense.
Let's put it this way. If, instead of a slap on the hand, nine out of judges would spank your bare bottom in court for arriving late for hearings, I doubt would ever again be late. (unless there is something you like about being spanked, in which case, please send me a private email.)
#62 2007-12-10 15:24:58
phreddy wrote:
Either you aren't listening, or you refuse to get it. If everyone of sound mind kept a weapon handy to deal with home invasions (or as Tojo calls them, burgleries), it would be a very strong deterrent because justice would be swift and deadly. Every burgler would have to consider the odds of being killed in every breakin. The death penalty is not a good deterrent because not only is justice slow coming, but the crime often involves passion that overrides the perp's common sense.
I can't believe rational people think that people who engage in an illegal enterprise for a living use rational thought to guide their actions. How many criminals serve long sentences, get out of jail and immediately return to a life of crime? If being locked away for years is not a deterent, I hardly think the possibility that someone might see you and might be armed is any more of a deterrent.
#63 2007-12-10 15:41:56
phreddy wrote:
Either you aren't listening, or you refuse to get it. If everyone of sound mind kept a weapon handy to deal with home invasions (or as Tojo calls them, burgleries)...
Phreddy, you don't know the difference between a standard burglary and a home invasion, do you? Here's a hint: nobody gets hurt or killed in a regular burglary unless the burglar gets shot in the back by some asshole neighbor, and non home invasion burglaries are by far the norm.
#64 2007-12-10 15:52:58
tojo2000 wrote:
Phreddy, you don't know the difference between a standard burglary and a home invasion, do you? Here's a hint: nobody gets hurt or killed in a regular burglary unless the burglar gets shot in the back by some asshole neighbor, and non home invasion burglaries are by far the norm.
You're correct. Most are unarmed.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans where they think that the theft of material things is worth the loss of anyone's life? We're no better than the Muslims. Fuck, the Muslims will only cut off your hand for theft...they won't shoot you in the back with a shotgun. Next we'll be stoning women for adultery.
#65 2007-12-10 16:01:37
and here I thought you got stoned before adultery!
I kill me.
#66 2007-12-10 17:32:55
Tojo wrote:
Phreddy, you don't know the difference between a standard burglary and a home invasion, do you? Here's a hint: nobody gets hurt or killed in a regular burglary unless the burglar gets shot in the back by some asshole neighbor, and non home invasion burglaries are by far the norm.
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff. And then your twisted logic leads us to the conclusion that one should wait until the otherwise peaceful burgler attacks before one responds with force, because we wouldn't want to hurt the poor chap if he only wants our ipod.
Headkicker wrote:
I can't believe rational people think that people who engage in an illegal enterprise for a living use rational thought to guide their actions. How many criminals serve long sentences, get out of jail and immediately return to a life of crime?
Even you, no, especially you should know that the eminent threat of being shot and killed is the very best deterrent against a criminal. Plus, as an added bonus, the ones who are not deterred never return to a life of crime.
#67 2007-12-10 17:43:41
phreddy wrote:
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff.
#68 2007-12-10 17:58:23
phreddy wrote:
Tojo wrote:
Phreddy, you don't know the difference between a standard burglary and a home invasion, do you? Here's a hint: nobody gets hurt or killed in a regular burglary unless the burglar gets shot in the back by some asshole neighbor, and non home invasion burglaries are by far the norm.
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff. And then your twisted logic leads us to the conclusion that one should wait until the otherwise peaceful burgler attacks before one responds with force, because we wouldn't want to hurt the poor chap if he only wants our ipod.
Headkicker wrote:
I can't believe rational people think that people who engage in an illegal enterprise for a living use rational thought to guide their actions. How many criminals serve long sentences, get out of jail and immediately return to a life of crime?
Even you, no, especially you should know that the eminent threat of being shot and killed is the very best deterrent against a criminal. Plus, as an added bonus, the ones who are not deterred never return to a life of crime.
No, you idiot. Home invasion is when you burglarize someone's home while they're in the house. Most burglars have absolutely no intention of running into you in the middle of the act. Most are like these guys, who were only threatening someone's stuff. Think of it as carjacking but s/car/house/.
Last edited by tojo2000 (2007-12-10 17:58:55)
#69 2007-12-10 17:59:31
There is a particular shotgun specifically for defense at my residence. [I live in Chicago where handguns are frowned upon legally.]
{I think shotguns are the best and the easiest choice for "home defense" anyway.}
My thoughts are: I hope no one ever attempts to invade my AO with prejudice when I am present.
Locals in the neighborhood knows this and the word has been spread. Easier targets can be found. It has worked for 10 + years.
Walk softly.....
#70 2007-12-10 18:08:29
Tojo wrote:
No, you idiot. Home invasion is when you burglarize someone's home while they're in the house.
Tojo, you really are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Let me say it slowly and very simply so you can get it. If you are in the house when the burgler comes in, it is a home invasion. This is the case whether the burgler knows you're there or not. You, my thick headed friend would have me assume it is merely, and I'll quote you here, "a standard burglary" because they "..are by far the norm."
I won't be responding to anymore of your pretzel logic on this issue.
#71 2007-12-10 18:56:31
My copy of Pretzel Logic is a .m4a file. Fuck it, I can listen to it even if Putfile wants me to jump through hoops to post it.
Here is one for shits and giggles.
#72 2007-12-10 19:29:34
phreddy wrote:
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff. And then your twisted logic leads us to the conclusion that one should wait until the otherwise peaceful burgler attacks before one responds with force, because we wouldn't want to hurt the poor chap if he only wants our ipod.
Most home robberies are done by unarmed persons who simply want to steal your stuff. Burglars don't want a confrontation. They avoid houses with dogs, alarm systems and inhabitants. They want to run in, grab your shit and leave. Home invasions are rare. The only cases I can think of involve organized groups trying to steal a particular object, where they actually have to intimidate the owner of the object to find out it's location. In fact, when I was growing up, all the robberies in my neighborhood were committed by white teens who thought it was cool to cut a screen and break into someone's house and take stuff.
phreddy wrote:
Even you, no, especially you should know that the eminent threat of being shot and killed is the very best deterrent against a criminal. Plus, as an added bonus, the ones who are not deterred never return to a life of crime.
It not a deterrent because the criminal does not believe he is going to get shot...especially when you involve drugs...they are willing to take the risk. No meth or crack head is going to decide that robbing your house is a bad idea when they are in search of a fix.
#73 2007-12-10 19:54:46
phreddy wrote:
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff.
Actually, when I first heard the term "home invasion robbery" it was about criminals forcing their way into an occupied home and holding the residents at gunpoint while they rob them. I'd never heard it applied to the burglary of an unoccupied home until you started using it for that. Is "burglary" just not dramatic enough that you have to use the term "home invasion" to make some kind of point?
#74 2007-12-10 19:56:58
orangeplus wrote:
phreddy wrote:
I see, so you and Headkicker are claiming the difference between a home invasion and a standard burglary is that in a home invasion the burgler assaults or kills the homeowner, whereas the standard burgler has a peaceful mission of simply stealing your stuff.
I don't trust that Wikipedia entry. There's absolutely no mention of Chuck Norris in it.
#75 2007-12-10 19:58:37
phreddy wrote:
Tojo wrote:
No, you idiot. Home invasion is when you burglarize someone's home while they're in the house.
Tojo, you really are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Let me say it slowly and very simply so you can get it. If you are in the house when the burgler comes in, it is a home invasion. This is the case whether the burgler knows you're there or not. You, my thick headed friend would have me assume it is merely, and I'll quote you here, "a standard burglary" because they "..are by far the norm."
I won't be responding to anymore of your pretzel logic on this issue.
Feel free to not respond, but you're the one that kept insisting that it was a home invasion. Did you miss the part that there was nobody in the house and the guy with the shotgun knew there was nobody in the house and he shot them not because they were coming at him or on his property but because they were getting away? So now that you've admitted that you know the definition of "home invasion", go back and read the transcript. Sorry to confuse you with my "facts" and "logic", but I was under the impression we were talking about the news story that started the thread, not some fantasy in your mind.
#76 2007-12-10 20:02:48
phreddy wrote:
Tojo wrote:
No, you idiot. Home invasion is when you burglarize someone's home while they're in the house.
Tojo, you really are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Let me say it slowly and very simply so you can get it. If you are in the house when the burgler comes in, it is a home invasion. This is the case whether the burgler knows you're there or not. You, my thick headed friend would have me assume it is merely, and I'll quote you here, "a standard burglary" because they "..are by far the norm."
I won't be responding to anymore of your pretzel logic on this issue.
To quote a previous post of yours:
Zookie wrote:
And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?
To which you replied:
A mere technicality. Seriously though, although I doubt I would gun down someone breaking into my neighbor's home, I don't believe the shooter should be punished. Home invasion should be right up there with rape and murder and anyone caught in the act should be fair game for the neighborhood watch.
We were talking about a burglary and you used the term "home invasion".
#77 2007-12-10 20:04:26
You silly fucks are arguing semantics.... good luck with reality.
Last edited by MSG Tripps (2007-12-10 20:05:56)
#78 2007-12-10 20:09:20
MSG Tripps wrote:
You silly fucks are arguing semantics.... good luck with reality.
It always cracks me up when someone busts out with "it's just semantics." It's the difference between defending someone's life and defending someone's VCR. Can you explain how it is that semantics never matter, or are you saying that the difference doesn't change anything in this case?
#79 2007-12-10 20:43:25
Dirckman says "Regardless of their race, creed, or color, they broke into somebodies house house so fuck em!!".... Dirckman then went on to say "I'm glad that they got shot because I've gotten a certain amount of entertainment value out of this whole mess.".... I'm assuming that with the last statement, Dirckman is implying that without shit like this that life would be boring and monotonous, so take the time to appreciate life's little cruelties.......
#80 2007-12-10 21:01:38
Tojo wrote:
Did you miss the part that there was nobody in the house and the guy with the shotgun knew there was nobody in the house and he shot them not because they were coming at him or on his property but because they were getting away?
I can't be bothered to hunt it down at the moment; How-Ever, if I'm not mistaken, one of them was on his property. Now, whether or not that was the one which he shot, or if the one which he shot was holding the crow-bar (Which could easily be considered a weapon) at the time . . .
DhallyLama wrote:
You silly fucks are arguing semantics.... good luck with reality.
You can claim that semantics mean nothing all that you want; But, it doesn't change the fact that they affect the way that most people view the world, and guide popular opinion.
#81 2007-12-10 21:11:51
Decadence wrote:
I can't be bothered to hunt it down at the moment; How-Ever, if I'm not mistaken, one of them was on his property. Now, whether or not that was the one which he shot, or if the one which he shot was holding the crow-bar (Which could easily be considered a weapon) at the time . . .
They may have passed through his property at some point, the only thing I could find was that one of them was staring at his house from across the street. In any case he did us all the favor of explaining himself before he went out and shot them. He left the house and loaded his gun not because they were coming towards him, but because they were getting away. He headed out to shoot them because they were exiting the window of the neighbor's house and he was afraid they would get away with it if he didn't kill them.
#82 2007-12-10 21:53:18
Decadence wrote:
... How-Ever, if I'm not mistaken, one of them was on his property. Now, whether or not that was the one which he shot, or if the one which he shot was holding the crow-bar (Which could easily be considered a weapon) at the time . . .
Not all the facts are determined yet. Not that there is some great dispute, but the reporting is not always clear.
The Pasadena PR Capt just did an interview where he laid out his version step by step.
He said when Horn confronted the burglars he exited his home, and near the edge of his property leveled his shotgun at his shoulder and then yelled "move or your dead". The burglars were 7 to 10 feet away at this moment. They spooked and immediately bolted away from him in opposite directions. Within a second or so Horn began firing. the next shot was fired quickly after.
This was witneesed by a responding plain clothes officer. Seeing a gun and shots he choose not to intervene until backup arrived.
No where did the chief say that Horn was charged or threatened. Although he was careful not to insinuate that Horn was reckless in pulling the trigger.
From the time Horn left his house to the shooting, the incident happened very quickly and at very close range. At 7 to 10 feet even someone jumping in surprise to run away might or might not be taken as menacing in the heat of the moment.
As a teen, the adults who taught me to shoot stressed that in the likely circumstances I might find myself in as a civillian a gun should never be brandished at a threat unless I intended to shoot. And if I shot I should shoot to kill. They stressed that the descision had to made before I pulled out the gun. As such there was great responsibility that went along with that.
They made it clear that without proffesional training I was not a cop, not skilled in detaining someone, and that it was too dangerous to act as one.
Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-11 00:55:19)
#83 2007-12-10 21:54:04
Dirckman wrote:
without shit like this that life would be boring and monotonous
Hey Dirckman. Careful, you may not want share thoughts such as that. Some may want to attempt to take them away.
[Perhaps they do not have a clue.]
#84 2007-12-10 22:38:49
tojo2000 wrote:
MSG Tripps wrote:
You silly fucks are arguing semantics.... good luck with reality.
It always cracks me up when someone busts out with "it's just semantics."
It always cracks me up when someone who is as chemically altered as Dhal says "good luck with reality"...
#85 2007-12-10 22:41:24
MSG Tripps wrote:
There is a particular shotgun specifically for defense at my residence. [I live in Chicago where handguns are frowned upon legally.]
{I think shotguns are the best and the easiest choice for "home defense" anyway.}
My thoughts are: I hope no one ever attempts to invade my AO with prejudice when I am present.
Locals in the neighborhood knows this and the word has been spread. Easier targets can be found. It has worked for 10 + years.
Walk softly.....
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning Dahl.

#86 2007-12-10 22:45:38
tojo2000 wrote:
Decadence wrote:
I can't be bothered to hunt it down at the moment; How-Ever, if I'm not mistaken, one of them was on his property. Now, whether or not that was the one which he shot, or if the one which he shot was holding the crow-bar (Which could easily be considered a weapon) at the time . . .
They may have passed through his property at some point, the only thing I could find was that one of them was staring at his house from across the street. In any case he did us all the favor of explaining himself before he went out and shot them. He left the house and loaded his gun not because they were coming towards him, but because they were getting away. He headed out to shoot them because they were exiting the window of the neighbor's house and he was afraid they would get away with it if he didn't kill them.
That last sentence is your supposition. From his statements on the phone it was clear that he didn't intend to let them get away. But that only means he was determined to confront them. It doesn't necessarily mean he was determined to kill them. It's a reasonable supposition that he believed that if he confronted them with a shot gun they would freeze and wait until the cops arrived.
The irony of the above is that the cops actually HAD arrived just as he shot. A plain clothed officer had just pulled up when he exited the house and pointed his gun at the crooks. It went down too fast for the cop to stop the shooting however.
#87 2007-12-10 23:01:23
Zookeeper wrote:
tojo2000 wrote:
Decadence wrote:
I can't be bothered to hunt it down at the moment; How-Ever, if I'm not mistaken, one of them was on his property. Now, whether or not that was the one which he shot, or if the one which he shot was holding the crow-bar (Which could easily be considered a weapon) at the time . . .
They may have passed through his property at some point, the only thing I could find was that one of them was staring at his house from across the street. In any case he did us all the favor of explaining himself before he went out and shot them. He left the house and loaded his gun not because they were coming towards him, but because they were getting away. He headed out to shoot them because they were exiting the window of the neighbor's house and he was afraid they would get away with it if he didn't kill them.
That last sentence is your supposition. From his statements on the phone it was clear that he didn't intend to let them get away. But that only means he was determined to confront them. It doesn't necessarily mean he was determined to kill them. It's a reasonable supposition that he believed that if he confronted them with a shot gun they would freeze and wait until the cops arrived.
The irony of the above is that the cops actually HAD arrived just as he shot. A plain clothed officer had just pulled up when he exited the house and pointed his gun at the crooks. It went down too fast for the cop to stop the shooting however.
Yes, you're right about that. He may have thought that he could hold them up. I'm interjecting my expectation of what I think would happen if he tried it.
#88 2007-12-10 23:01:48
Johnny Rotten wrote:
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning Dahl.
Way too easy. And not one of the best songs.
Put thoughts of them kind of weapons away. No shit, leave them alone.
Last edited by MSG Tripps (2007-12-10 23:15:28)
#89 2007-12-10 23:40:02
Let's all put our money where our mouths are.
Those in favor of home defense put a sign out in your yard announcing you are a gun owner and will defend your home and property. Those opposed, put a sign up stating that you do not own a gun and will not harm anyone who breaks in. Now we can all go to bed knowing we did the right thing. Sleep tight!
#90 2007-12-10 23:46:58
outhouse wrote:
Let's all put our money where our mouths are.
Those in favor of home defense put a sign out in your yard announcing you are a gun owner and will defend your home and property. Those opposed, put a sign up stating that you do not own a gun and will not harm anyone who breaks in. Now we can all go to bed knowing we did the right thing. Sleep tight!
Leaving behind the fact that if someone burglarizes my home I'll probably not be around, I haven't heard anyone in this thread say that people shouldn't be allowed to defend their home and property. You didn't do your homework, did you? Go read the original post (the background link) so you know what kind of situation we're discussing. Then I'd be happy to hear any commentary you come up with. I'll probably call you an idiot if you're as easy to bait as Phreddy, but I promise that I will read your post and consider it.
#91 2007-12-11 00:05:37
outhere wrote:
Let's all put our money where our mouths are.
Be careful.
#92 2007-12-11 00:54:50
Zookeeper wrote:
From his statements on the phone it was clear that he didn't intend to let them get away. But that only means he was determined to confront them. It doesn't necessarily mean he was determined to kill them. It's a reasonable supposition that he believed that if he confronted them with a shot gun they would freeze and wait until the cops arrived.
The irony of the above is that the cops actually HAD arrived just as he shot. A plain clothed officer had just pulled up when he exited the house and pointed his gun at the crooks. It went down too fast for the cop to stop the shooting however.
The Pasadena PR officer said that the plain clothes dectective was already parked out front and observed the 2 burglars walking together from the neighbor's house towards his car at the curb before Horn exited his home.
But though he arrived first he was responding as backup. He was watching the crime and waiting for the regular cops to make the arrest. Too bad the dispatcher either did not know that or did not choose to let Horn know. A few seconds after Horn stopped shooting and started talking on the phone the 911 dispatcher told him that plainclothes officers were outside and he should put the gun down and stay indoors.
Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-11 00:57:52)
#93 2007-12-11 07:59:43
tojo2000: "I'd be happy to hear any commentary you come up with."
hear this
*click *click *BOOM
Last edited by outhere (2007-12-11 08:01:21)
#94 2007-12-11 08:04:10
outhere wrote:
tojo2000: "I'd be happy to hear any commentary you come up with."
hear this
*click *click *BOOM
They have a place for people like you. It's called prison.
#95 2007-12-11 11:29:24
This thread is trespassing on my state of mind, where did I put that shotgun...
#96 2007-12-11 12:22:38
Johnny wrote:
But though he arrived first he was responding as backup. He was watching the crime and waiting for the regular cops to make the arrest. Too bad the dispatcher either did not know that or did not choose to let Horn know.
This thread just keeps on keeping on. I was sure it would be dead by the time I got to work this morning. In any case, Johnny brings up an interesting point that says a lot about the whole situation. You cannot count on the police to defend you. Remember Columbine and how the cops massed outside the school, drafted plans, skulked around behind tanks, and wrung their hands while people were dying inside? Self defense means just that, defense of self. You cannot count on anyone to do it for you. (Please Tojam, you do not need to post another response stating that nobody was in the house being burgled.) The responding cop didn't know that, yet he opted to sit in his car and watch.
#97 2007-12-11 12:27:19
phreddy wrote:
Johnny wrote:
But though he arrived first he was responding as backup. He was watching the crime and waiting for the regular cops to make the arrest. Too bad the dispatcher either did not know that or did not choose to let Horn know.
This thread just keeps on keeping on. I was sure it would be dead by the time I got to work this morning. In any case, Johnny brings up an interesting point that says a lot about the whole situation. You cannot count on the police to defend you. Remember Columbine and how the cops massed outside the school, drafted plans, skulked around behind tanks, and wrung their hands while people were dying inside? Self defense means just that, defense of self. You cannot count on anyone to do it for you. (Please Tojam, you do not need to post another response stating that nobody was in the house being burgled.) The responding cop didn't know that, yet he opted to sit in his car and watch.
Exactly, which is why the white trash bastard in Texas should be rotting under a jail. He was not defending himself. He was in no imminent danger. He was not defending someone else's life. He used deadly force to defend someone else's material possessions.
As I said before, he'll lose in a civil suit and lose his home. It will be fucking awesome.
#98 2007-12-11 12:31:50
Not to mention with the cop there, he endangered his own life, the cop might have shot him for fear he might shoot the cop since he was plainclothes, than a neighbor, fearing his life would have shot the plainclothes cop and been shot hisself by the responding uniform officers. It could have been one nice justified pile of corpses.
#99 2007-12-11 12:43:16
Headkicker wrote:
As I said before, he'll lose in a civil suit and lose his home. It will be fucking awesome.
Maybe not, after all, this IS Texas we're talking about. What do you think Georgi? Would a jury of your peers carve a big judgment out of this guy?
As I said before, I wouldn't have shot them, but I'm really glad the thieving fucks are dead.
#100 2007-12-11 13:05:52