#1 2007-12-03 23:51:42


You can google Quanell X to find information on the incident filmed here.

Last edited by choad (2007-12-11 16:44:17)



#2 2007-12-04 03:20:46

“Quanell” and his group deserved every bit of abuse they received for trying to harass a man who terminated two burglars.  “Quanell” is on record as urging black people to harm whites.  This lionization of criminals by the black community and their leaders is a major cause of the racism directed at black people.  Death or severe injury is an occupational hazard for criminals that should occur more often.

Last edited by fnord (2007-12-04 03:21:32)



#3 2007-12-04 08:34:50

fnord wrote:

Death or severe injury is an occupational hazard for criminals that should occur more often.

Indeed - At the risk of sounding as though I am siding with the Texas in-breds here, it doesn't seem that long ago that the Black Panthers came off as a rather respectable organization.  What's their point here:  "Brother got a right to whitey's property?"  Sadly, I - With each passing day - am coming more and more to under-stand Fnord's point of view (I'm not entirely excusing it at this point mind you; However, I am - In deed - beginning to understand it).



#4 2007-12-04 08:35:57

fnord wrote:

“Quanell” and his group deserved every bit of abuse they received for trying to harass a man who terminated two burglars.  “Quanell” is on record as urging black people to harm whites.  This lionization of criminals by the black community and their leaders is a major cause of the racism directed at black people.  Death or severe injury is an occupational hazard for criminals that should occur more often.

Two wrongs don't make a right.  People are supporting the vigilante because he shot two negroes.  If he had shot two neighborhood kids who were white, it would be a different story.  Where I grew up the people doing the home robberies were all white teens.  You can't let these morons start shooting at people that they THINK are committing crimes.  He was not defending himself; he was not defending others; the police were on their way; and finally, the fucking moron could have been shot himself by law enforcement if they had arrived and seen him brandishing a shotgun.  He should be prosecuted to send a message, and it's unfortunate that they have decided, thus far, not to press charges.



#5 2007-12-04 09:45:24

headkicker wrote:

Two wrongs don't make a right.  People are supporting the vigilante because he shot two negroes.  If he had shot two neighborhood kids who were white, it would be a different story.

Are you fucking new here?

Headkicker wrote:

He was not defending himself; he was not defending others; the police were on their way . . .

Or, so he was led to believe.  He was on the telephone long enough.  It's rather interesting that the local constables didn't arrive until there was a bit of "gun-play" (Because, "gun-play" sounds so much more fun than "Some Nigger got his ass shot").

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#6 2007-12-04 09:49:56

headkicker_girl wrote:

He should be prosecuted to send a message, and it's unfortunate that they have decided, thus far, not to press charges.

Notice the sympathetic dispatcher failed to remind the tard lone ranger he was committing premediated murder?



#7 2007-12-04 11:45:12

headkicker wrote:

Two wrongs don't make a right.  People are supporting the vigilante because he shot two negroes.  If he had shot two neighborhood kids who were white, it would be a different story.

You could not be more wrong.  Race has no bearing on the decision of a person protecting family and property.  The right to life and liberty for home invaders ends at the doorway of their victims.  Gawd help us if the law ever requires us to second guess the intentions of a wild-eyed druggie climbing through our window.  "Well maybe he just plans to beat us and take our stuff rather than murder my family.  I wouldn't want to use excessive force and end up in prison if he only plans to rape my daughter and take my TV."



#8 2007-12-04 12:09:48

phreddy wrote:

headkicker wrote:

Two wrongs don't make a right.  People are supporting the vigilante because he shot two negroes.  If he had shot two neighborhood kids who were white, it would be a different story.

You could not be more wrong.  Race has no bearing on the decision of a person protecting family and property.  The right to life and liberty for home invaders ends at the doorway of their victims.  Gawd help us if the law ever requires us to second guess the intentions of a wild-eyed druggie climbing through our window.  "Well maybe he just plans to beat us and take our stuff rather than murder my family.  I wouldn't want to use excessive force and end up in prison if he only plans to rape my daughter and take my TV."

Yeah, sure, but you're kind of an idiot. The dudes he shot were breaking into the house next door to the guy who shot em, and no one else was home. He was in no danger, neither was anyone else (and he knew that), he didn't second-guess anyone but the dispatch operator and the cops. He simply walked over to their house, knowing the cops were on their way and killed two mexican (not black) dudes in order to protect someone else's crap. It's vigilante bullshit and the old man should go to jail.

Last edited by orangeplus (2007-12-04 12:11:20)



#9 2007-12-04 12:17:52

phreddy wrote:

You could not be more wrong.  Race has no bearing on the decision of a person protecting family and property.  The right to life and liberty for home invaders ends at the doorway of their victims.  Gawd help us if the law ever requires us to second guess the intentions of a wild-eyed druggie climbing through our window.  "Well maybe he just plans to beat us and take our stuff rather than murder my family.  I wouldn't want to use excessive force and end up in prison if he only plans to rape my daughter and take my TV."

He wasn't protecting his own home.  If they were in his home or on his property I'd have no problem with him shooting the intruders.

Do we have a duty to protect our neighbor's homes?  What if the neighbor was out of town and gave someone permission to be in the house?  Can I just shoot them because  they don't look like they belong in the neighborhood and they MIGHT be committing a crime?

Private citizens are not cops, and they shouldn't think they can act like cops.

Race was an issue in this case because he assumed he could shoot two niggers and get away with it.  He probably will.  Had it been two white kids from the neighborhood, even had they been breaking into the house, the reaction would have been much different.



#10 2007-12-04 12:27:01

Orange...don't let the hispanic names fool you.  They were black.



#11 2007-12-04 12:33:08

headkicker_girl wrote:

Orange...don't let the hispanic names fool you.  They were black.

I don't think they actually were. I think the NBP people just claimed them is all. I believe they were actually mexican.



#12 2007-12-04 12:47:10

fnord wrote:

This lionization of criminals by the black community and their leaders is a major cause of the racism directed at black people.

Hebbens ta bedsy. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were going soft. More comments like that one, and people might start to think you wanted to see an end to racism.

headkicker_girl wrote:

Private citizens are not cops, and they shouldn't think they can act like cops.

Race was an issue in this case because he assumed he could shoot two niggers and get away with it. He probably will. Had it been two white kids from the neighborhood, even had they been breaking into the house, the reaction would have been much different.

I think his exchange with the 911 operator is damning enough to incur some form of punishment, even if hate-crime status won't attach. When directly advised by law enforcement not to do something--and in no personal, imminent danger--he elected to murder two people. Malicious intent may be shaky, so we can probably expect manslaughter. He was asked not to intercede; instructed to wait for police to arrive, and chose to do otherwise. Even if the trespassers (burglars live to remove the items) were similarly armed, he still defied direction not take matters into his own hands, which resulted in the unnecessary loss of life, and is vigilantism.

That said, criminals should fear this sort of consequence...any consequences, really. Most home invaders and thieves can never really be sure that their victims won't fight back in some way. I don't know of many criminals for whom the threat of incarceration was ever a realistic deterrent. It takes a certain sort of mentality to believe you have a right to commit crimes against persons and property, and not one that has tremendous regard for others. In that sense, Horn was more of a criminal than the people he shot.



#13 2007-12-04 12:51:58

orangeplus wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

Orange...don't let the hispanic names fool you.  They were black.

I don't think they actually were. I think the NBP people just claimed them is all. I believe they were actually mexican.

No, the article says they were black, and the photos that were released show them to be black...they were probably Dominicans or something, but they definitely had black features/hair and were not just dark hispanics.



#14 2007-12-04 12:55:10

Ok, I'll take your word for it. I had heard differently from my brother (who's in Houston), but never saw pictures.



#15 2007-12-04 15:20:14

headkicker wrote:

Private citizens are not cops, and they shouldn't think they can act like cops.

I don't think that I'd want to live in a country where I weren't free to sodomize my neighbor with a night-stick, thank you.



#16 2007-12-04 17:45:36

Decadence wrote:

headkicker wrote:

Private citizens are not cops, and they shouldn't think they can act like cops.

I don't think that I'd want to live in a country where I weren't free to sodomize my neighbor with a night-stick, thank you.

Well, you do live in Arizona.  Isn't it still run like the wild west in some parts?



#17 2007-12-04 18:15:04

Headkicker wrote:

Well, you do live in Arizona.  Isn't it still run like the wild west in some parts?

Only in that we can basically abuse "wet-backs" in what-ever way might please us at the moment, and expect to "get off" with a verbal warning at most; But, over-time, a man develops needs beyond what - In time - slips into the arena of the mundane.



#18 2007-12-04 19:11:23

Wait, this...human...lives within driving distance?


Last edited by pALEPHx (2007-12-04 19:19:07)



#19 2007-12-04 19:50:13

pALEPHx wrote:

I think his exchange with the 911 operator is damning enough to incur some form of punishment, even if hate-crime status won't attach. When directly advised by law enforcement not to do something--and in no personal, imminent danger--he elected to murder two people. Malicious intent may be shaky, so we can probably expect manslaughter. He was asked not to intercede; instructed to wait for police to arrive, and chose to do otherwise. Even if the trespassers (burglars live to remove the items) were similarly armed, he still defied direction not take matters into his own hands, which resulted in the unnecessary loss of life, and is vigilantism.

I don't think a 911 dispatcher giving advice over the phone is a lawfull order from a policeman. What would be next, reverse 911 calling  you and all your neighbors to stand at the window and place your hands in the circles before they respond to a call on your street.

Did you catch the part where Horn discusses with the dispatcher, who does not contradict him, that he knows the newly enacted TX law that allows him to do an armmed confrontation  with someone suspected of property crimes? Correct me if I am wrong, but he did not say he was going to shoot them. Even if he did the new law allows such intent in the case of burglary or criminal mischief after dark.

I think HKG is right, a case against him would hinge on whether the law can be interpreted to include your neighbor's property. If the burglars did cross over some portion of his neat suburban lawn and given the fact that he was aqquainted with his direct neighbor, and overshadowed by the detail that the burglers where outsiders rather than local kids, I wouldn't want to be a prosecuter facing the possibility of trial in front of a  jury pool from a sympathetic community.

I would never want to deny someone the right to protect themselves, but personnally I have little blind trust in the clear judgement of many of the people in my neighborhood to feel comfortable with them gunning down suspicious persons.

Heck I used to have to periodicly climb in my window when misplacing the key, the last thing I wanted was getting plugged in the butt by my looney neighbor.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-04 19:52:03)



#20 2007-12-04 19:58:50

Johnny Rotten wrote:

Heck I used to have to periodicly climb in my window when misplacing the key, the last thing I wanted was getting plugged in the butt by my looney neighbor.

And that's my fear...that this gives carte blanche to irresponsible behavior under the guise of, "I thought I was protecting my neighbor."



#21 2007-12-04 20:26:19

headkicker_girl wrote:

Johnny Rotten wrote:

Heck I used to have to periodicly climb in my window when misplacing the key, the last thing I wanted was getting plugged in the butt by my looney neighbor.

And that's my fear...that this gives carte blanche to irresponsible behavior under the guise of, "I thought I was protecting my neighbor."

Exactlly. There has to be some accountability. Your right to be as irresponsible as you want ends when it could get me killed.

I am sympathetic to a point having lived in a number of communities plauged by property crime. Where the police don't do jack to stop it. To the point of even refusing to show up and investigate the scene of a client who lost 40 k in electronics. I was the second person on the scene, being called to assess the loss and saw where the theives had cut themselves, dripped blood,  and left likely usable fingerprints and forgotten some of their tools. But in that county they preffered to catch criminals in traffic stops and spent most of their time pursuing drug cases because a large percentage of their budget and all their overtime came from the proceedes of forfeiture. As the CA Gov had mandated that local police could keep what they catch. Which was done to cover 1990s CA budget shortfalls  so they would not have to allocate  money to local districts.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-04 20:33:59)



#22 2007-12-04 20:41:25

This story has broken out all over the Right wing media today. Orly just ran the part of the 911 call with the shotgun blasts. Horn must never have put the phone down, he only paused for a second or two to squeeze off a few.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-04 20:41:51)



#23 2007-12-04 21:45:11

Does anyone have a link to the entire 911 recording?  I heard the bit on Fox tonight and it was pretty damning.  The only factor I saw in the shooter's favor was supposedly one of the perps was on the guy's lawn when he shot him.  If you don't know how particular we Texans are of our lawns go watch a few episodes of "King of the Hill".



#24 2007-12-04 21:52:22

Guns don't kil people...Texans do.



#25 2007-12-04 22:33:19

Johnny Rotten wrote:

I don't think a 911 dispatcher giving advice over the phone is a lawfull order from a policeman

It does not carry the same weight, no, but it IS an attempt to dissuade him from acting illegally. Let's presume the 911 dispatcher was a random civilian. If someone hangin' around told you "You shouldn't go over to your neighbor's house and shoot people," then you'd probably, hopefully obey. The problem is, I suppose, that some people need to call upon complete strangers to have that interjection of conscience.

Johnny Rotten wrote:

Did you catch the part where Horn discusses with the dispatcher, who does not contradict him, that he knows the newly enacted TX law that allows him to do an armmed confrontation

There is no law that permits manslaughter.

Johnny Rotten wrote:

I think HKG is right

So do I, but I think we might be getting two different interpretations from the same 'truth.'

Johnny Rotten wrote:

...the last thing I wanted was getting plugged in the butt by my looney neighbor.

Then either you own a bigger gun, are more proficient with the weapon(s) you have. Or you need to move. Somehow, places like Japan and Britain have managed to survive without a right/obligation to possess side-arms. I have always felt that those who want such devices for hunting should have them. Anything less is about fearing other people like themselves.

And that would never happen, right?

Last edited by pALEPHx (2007-12-04 22:38:50)



#26 2007-12-05 22:43:47

That video was filmed in Pasadena, TX. Due to proximity to petrochemical refineries, Pasadena has a disproportionate childhood asthma/lung disease rate. Lots of people in Houston think that the petrochemical plants make adult Pasadena denizens loopy.

Like it or not, armed robbery, robbery and home invasion are very unusual in Texas because the law permits you to shoot trespassers in your own home. Supposedly if you shoot a trespasser in your front yard the po-po will help you drag him inside. Your mileage may vary.



#27 2007-12-05 23:13:20

Turns out the two perps were illegal aliens with criminal records.  That being the case the famouse "He needed killin" defense applies.



#28 2007-12-06 00:22:11

Miguel Antonio Dejesus, 38, and Diego Ortiz, 30.... Fuck em... less dirty DARK SKINNED mexicans in the US oh well.. I fucking hate criminals and thieves I don't care what color or race they are. If they are stealing my neighbors shit I'd have shot them too. This man needs an award! I'm guessing all you bleeding Betsy's  out there have never had a home invasion and all their shit stolen while they were away. I for one have. In any case this was over 10 years ago, but if I ever saw the people that did it? I'd prolly still shoot them and since I lived in the south it would more than likely be rednecks than niggers or spics...

Meh rant <./>



#29 2007-12-06 11:56:53

How do I shot immigrants?



#30 2007-12-06 12:09:05

All this reminds me of a Halloween I once heard about in Baton Rouge, LA. Some Japanese exchange student was going trick-or-treating with his host family, people had been trying to scare the kid all night. He ran in front of his group and on to the front yard of a redneck who lived around the corner from my Dad's house, the redneck pointed a gun at the kid, the kid started acting strange so he shot the kid, dead dead dead. I don't think criminal charges were filed, Louisiana was the pioneer of shoot-first laws, or he was aquited. The parents of the kid sued for civil damages in fed court and won, so turns out Mr. Redneck lost his property trying to protect it.



#31 2007-12-06 13:42:31

I like kitties. They are cute.




#32 2007-12-06 20:54:43

Zookie wrote:

Does anyone have a link to the entire 911 recording?

I just happened upon it.

Brave Neighbor Kills 2 Robbers 911 Call - Watch more free videos



#33 2007-12-06 22:15:05

Decadence wrote:

Zookie wrote:

Does anyone have a link to the entire 911 recording?

I just happened upon it.

Brave Neighbor Kills 2 Robbers 911 Call - Watch more free videos

Thanks Decadence that gave the wife and I a good chuckle! They came on his lawn.... Fuck em... they deserved it.. red and yellow, black and white fuckin thieves are in dead his sights... Joe Horn hates the thieves of the world ... do do doooo.



#34 2007-12-06 23:01:25

These days you need only scribble a note on a post-it to rob a bank. No gun, knife or even a clinched fist. Society has been trained to run away from criminals, give them whatever they want, don't confront them or try to stop them. Run away and hide. Let the government protect you (or not).

People have turned into pussies at the urging of our own police and criminal justice system. Those pussy-people are as worthless as a vaginal blood fart.

What happens when the police can't stop crime?  Obviously, this was the case. The thieves in this case had a lengthy arrest record and a history of crime in the area.  They continued their criminal ways because they knew society was being fed this "be a pussy" philosophy, and they would likely get away with it as they have time and time again.

For the record, my hello kitty tippy-cup IS worth more than your life. I'll cap your ass if you try to steal it.

One old man did what the cops, and American justice system could not.  More power to him.



#35 2007-12-06 23:14:12

outhere wrote:

I'll cap your ass

No one has yet succeeded....  lobcock.



#36 2007-12-06 23:20:06

I always like to keep in mind that criminals very rarely file a flight plan.  Nobody's gonna know that guy was trying to get into my house.  So... I figure if I spatter his spleen all over my kitchen door with my Remmington 870, and then use what's left of him for fertilizer in my backyard, ain't nobody coming looking for him here.  Mums the word, folks.   A little TSP, paint and paper and it's good as new.



#37 2007-12-06 23:20:34

MSG Tripps wrote:

outhere wrote:

I'll cap your ass

No one has yet succeeded....  lobcock.

ain't fer lack of tryin'



#38 2007-12-06 23:26:38

outhere wrote:

ain't fer lack of tryin'

Sounds like piss poor training to me.



#39 2007-12-07 00:05:50

outhere wrote:

These days you need only scribble a note on a post-it to rob a bank. No gun, knife or even a clinched fist. Society has been trained to run away from criminals, give them whatever they want, don't confront them or try to stop them. Run away and hide. Let the government protect you (or not).

People have turned into pussies at the urging of our own police and criminal justice system. Those pussy-people are as worthless as a vaginal blood fart.

What happens when the police can't stop crime?  Obviously, this was the case. The thieves in this case had a lengthy arrest record and a history of crime in the area.  They continued their criminal ways because they knew society was being fed this "be a pussy" philosophy, and they would likely get away with it as they have time and time again.

For the record, my hello kitty tippy-cup IS worth more than your life. I'll cap your ass if you try to steal it.

One old man did what the cops, and American justice system could not.  More power to him.

outthere, meet risk/reward assessment.  Risk/reward assessment, meet outthere.  I'll be perfectly happy to let you call me a pussy over the Internets and I'll also be happy to post the story of your stupid-ass attempt at stopping the bank robber on High-Street.org when you're dead.



#40 2007-12-07 00:23:19


Sooner or later you must think about where the weapon is aimed.  Are you taking the shot at yourself or someone else.



#41 2007-12-07 00:38:44

outhere wrote:

For the record, my hello kitty tippy-cup IS worth more than your life. I'll cap your ass if you try to steal it.

So? We'll add one more knuckledragging loser to our over burdened prison slave population.

Yep, these here is the best of times, with human violence at record all time lows. Folk  no longer need do unto others before they're done unto them.

The risks of cooperative development are no longer out-weighed the rewards of crime, with notable exceptions where we've created chaos on purpose to squat on soveriegn states and suction steal their oil deposits.

Anymore, though, the state monopolizes violence in most of the world...

From last March:

http://pinker.wjh.harvard.edu/articles/ … public.pdf

Last edited by choad (2007-12-07 00:58:09)



#42 2007-12-07 00:52:31

outhere wrote:

People have turned into pussies...

America, fuck yeah!



#44 2007-12-07 12:32:54

MSG Tripps wrote:


Sooner or later you must think about where the weapon is aimed.  Are you taking the shot at yourself or someone else.

I am the type that takes personal responsibility for my own family and property, and do not solely depend on the flawed, corrupt and melancholy state agents to insure my protection or that of my family. While the state is accomplished at imprisoning criminals, they are failures at preventing crime from occuring in the first place.  That's where personal responsibility comes in.

What is important to me is not necessarily what you deem to be important, and vice versa.  If I were to violate your family or home, I would do so with the understanding that I may get killed in the process.  Anyone doing the same to me should expect the same from me.

The problem is, most criminals these days expect to be protected by the state and treated with sympathy and civility.



#45 2007-12-07 13:36:59

outhere wrote:

The problem is, most criminals these days expect to be protected by the state and treated with sympathy and civility.

I think I've found the problem.  Outie lives in Lollipop Land.  I've heard that the police are much more sympathetic over yonder.



#46 2007-12-07 17:13:10

outhere wrote:

If I were to violate your family or home, I would do so with the understanding that I may get killed in the process.  Anyone doing the same to me should expect the same from me.

And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?



#47 2007-12-07 17:29:37

Zookie wrote:

And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?

A mere technicality.  Seriously  though, although I doubt I would gun down someone breaking into my neighbor's home, I don't believe the shooter should be punished.  Home invasion should be right up there with rape and murder and anyone caught in the act should be fair game for the neighborhood watch.



#48 2007-12-07 17:54:01

Zookeeper wrote:

outhere wrote:

If I were to violate your family or home, I would do so with the understanding that I may get killed in the process.  Anyone doing the same to me should expect the same from me.

And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?

Not if there were niggers actually living next door.  Vigilante justice only extends to one's white neighbors.



#49 2007-12-07 17:54:57

phreddy wrote:

Zookie wrote:

And that goes for anyone violating the home of the guy next door who you barely know, right?

A mere technicality.  Seriously  though, although I doubt I would gun down someone breaking into my neighbor's home, I don't believe the shooter should be punished.  Home invasion should be right up there with rape and murder and anyone caught in the act should be fair game for the neighborhood watch.

Like I said, with that mentality someone will eventually shoot his neighbor's kid, and then the pendulum will swing in the other direction.



#50 2007-12-07 18:03:16

headkicker wrote:

Like I said, with that mentality someone will eventually shoot his neighbor's kid, and then the pendulum will swing in the other direction.

Well, if you're stupid enough to shoot someone or some thing that you can't identify, you shouldn't be trusted with a weapon.  If they happen to be two black guys in a white neighborhood hauling electronics out of your neighbor's house and they refuse to stop and identify themselves, then they should expect the consequences.



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