
When will pENIx break 1000 posts?

By Thurs. November 22

47% - 9
By Mon. November 26

52% - 10
Total: 19

#1 2007-11-16 08:52:11

We all know that pENIx likes to post...and post...and post....
"There's just so much to talk about!" he chirps.
As of this poll creation, pENIx is up to 906 posts.
When will he cross the thousand line?

Go pENIx!

nota bene:
1. All posts are counted equally, even the ones in which pENIx accidentally comes across as intelligent or amusing.
2. Poll not intended for betting purposes. Just the same, my money's on the first choice, and I'm giving pretty good odds, but only in states and provinces where betting on fag-posting is legal.



#2 2007-11-16 10:51:29

Miss Sofie loves both of you's. I am the consumate fag hag.

What's wrong with lotsa posts?

Now I understand how uncomfortable I must make everyone when I'm being mean to Dhal.



#3 2007-11-16 11:35:00

sofaking wrote:

I am the consumate fag hag.

Fag consomee? Probably too salty for my taste.



#4 2007-11-16 15:36:31

Wilbur's CuntŪ Brand Hygiene Spray
Your resentment is starting to smell like Feltch's.

I still sit squarely between Choad and Dusty, with fewer than 90 more than our dear Sofie, and roughly the same distance below Smitty. Such a pity I don't have a private forum to rack up those other posts like they do. What, no brilliant quips (or obsequious polls) for the forty banners I've done?

Oh, wait. That's right, I do have my own little soapbox in the digital netherworld AND I give enough of a shit about this place to provide it with content. Are you implying that's not what I should be doing? Perhaps, in an online forum where people communicate exclusively through text and imagery, you think it makes a whole lot of sense to say nothing.

Your kingdom for a Horse, apparently. Bored much?

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#5 2007-11-16 15:38:38

Cunt Fight, Cunt Fight!

I want to break 1000 first.



#6 2007-11-16 17:47:10

Roger_That wrote:

Cunt Fight, Cunt Fight!

I want to break 1000 first.

I hate to say this, but I think he'll win, Rogers. You just don't have his capacity for drivel.
You're not up against a human being. He's more like a toilet-borne anal fungus posting machine.
Still...try to beat him.
It's humanity's only hope.



#7 2007-11-16 18:07:23

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Cunt Fight, Cunt Fight!

I want to break 1000 first.

I hate to say this, but I think he'll win, Rogers. You just don't have his capacity for drivel.
You're not up against a human being. He's more like a toilet-borne anal fungus posting machine.
Still...try to beat him.
It's humanity's only hope.

Add up all my sock puppets and I already have.

Bow before the almight choad.



#8 2007-11-16 18:09:15

https://cruelery.com/userlist.php?usern … rch=Submit

It really fucks up all my masturbatory fantasies when you call RT "Rogers".

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#9 2007-11-16 18:19:58

sofaking wrote:

Miss Sofie loves both of you's. I am the consumate fag hag.

What's wrong with lotsa posts?

Now I understand how uncomfortable I must make everyone when I'm being mean to Dhal.

Talking about Dhal.... I think he has left, much to my sadness.  I liked the old perv.  Always could get an argument without much investment. 




#10 2007-11-16 18:22:03

pALEPHx wrote:

Your resentment is starting to smell like Feltch's.

No flies on Felch.

pENIx wrote:

I still sit squarely between Choad and Dusty

Dusty - Choad - I hope you put paper down.

pENIx wrote:

Such a pity I don't have a private forum to rack up those other posts like they do.

Good point. You're comparing yourself to people who participate in the administration of the site. Your irrelevancy rating just doubled.

pENIx wrote:

What, no brilliant quips (or obsequious polls) for the forty banners I've done?

Nope. You made some nice banners. Your contribution is not in question. It's the incessant inane prattling. You're like the old lady in the sewing circle who won't stop talking.

pENIx wrote:

Oh, wait. That's right, I do have my own little soapbox in the digital netherworld AND I give enough of a shit about this place to provide it with content.

It's a sad fact of the Internet that content has become, well...content. Yes, you provide content. You tap your keyboard and pixels appear on a website. You prattle like a school marm. But the only time your posts are worth reading iis when you're defending your sorry ass from hate crimes.

pENIx wrote:

Bored much?

Never. En garde, butt-munch.



#11 2007-11-16 18:24:37

Girls, get a room.



#12 2007-11-16 18:34:08

opsec wrote:


It really fucks up all my masturbatory fantasies when you call RT "Rogers".

Sorry - I have the same problem. When she offered me her hand in marriage I had a vision of us in front of the marriage commissioner: "Do you, Wilber, take Roger to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Then my over-active libido fast forwarded to the defloration ceremony: "Oh Roger, you have such a sweet little rose of a cunt, etc." Given time, and the madness that comes of smelling hot sweet vagina, you'd get used to it, but it's still hard to contemplate.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#13 2007-11-16 18:38:57

Um, Wilber. You do realize Roger is a F-T-M drag king, right?



#14 2007-11-16 18:41:45

Um, Wilber



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#15 2007-11-16 18:49:03

Taint wrote:

Um, Wilber. You do realize Roger is a F-T-M drag king, right?

Oh christ...not again.



#16 2007-11-16 18:59:42

opsec wrote:

Um, Wilber



Well, yes, you're right. This photo is more than half Tom Hanks. And I eagerly await the monsters our resident Herr Frankenberries make of it.

Someone please, mess up his good hair day. It just don't look right.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by choad (2007-11-16 19:01:12)



#17 2007-11-16 19:10:59


Last edited by opsec (2007-11-16 20:12:06)



#18 2007-11-16 21:07:34

<i>Last edited by opsec (Today 20:12:06)</i>


I fixed it...sheesh!



#19 2007-11-16 21:32:26

... cause it was broke.   Damn, won't do that again.



#20 2007-11-16 22:14:10

Chill, I'm not mad.  I guess funny doesn't always distinguish itself well from crazy.

Plus I'm sick, can't breathe, and have a sore throat.



#21 2007-11-16 23:02:37

Roger_That wrote:

I'm sick, can't breathe, and have a sore throat.

Aw, now I feel bad.  I'll give you a pass on that cattle prod thing from next door.  I know you'll do better next time.

I guess funny doesn't always distinguish itself well from crazy.

Isn't that the point?



#22 2007-11-17 01:14:17

Is it just me, or does watching these two fight on the internet remind you of bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football?



#23 2007-11-17 03:18:50

Miscreant wrote:

Is it just me, or does watching these two fight on the internet remind you of bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football?

No, no. You're thinking of pENIx and Felch. pENIx and I have settled down to Marquess of Queensbury rules. Boring but inevitable.



#24 2007-11-17 12:18:28

Wilber, this sexual tension between you two really is getting old.  Why don't you just go ahead and confess your love for pALEPHx and ask him to marry you?



#25 2007-11-17 20:45:51

Tim Berners-Lee has a lot to answer for.

He gave the great, unwashed, point-n-click empty-vee generation the gift of free and unlimited information and communication. And what do you do with it ? Have races to see who can generate the most noise.

The internet was so much more interesting and civilised when it was text based and you actually had to educate yourself in order to be able to use it. That would eliminate 95% of you creeps. That's being flattering. It was also far more perverse than anything you see today, because people took time to craft what they said. There was actually more pride taken in being erudite and articulate, than seeing how often you could make your name pop up on screen. The latter was akin to farting in a crowded elevator.

I can't remember who said it -

20 years ago the 'net was an open university

10 years ago, a shopping mall and burger chain

Now, an open sewer flowing freely into a garbage dump

Thanks a lot reetards.

Granpa Felch



#26 2007-11-17 20:58:52

I was on the net back in the late 80s; I'll take today's version in a heartbeat.



#27 2007-11-17 21:02:34

felch wrote:

The internet was so much more interesting and civilised when it was text based and you actually had to educate yourself in order to be able to use it.

You must have missed the alt. newsgroups.  We were flattening the intelligence curve even then.



#28 2007-11-17 21:42:41

Zookeeper wrote:

Wilber, this sexual tension between you two really is getting old. Why don't you just go ahead and confess your love for pALEPHx and ask him to marry you?

You're just jealous. However, there is one facet to your statement I agree with. Picking on pENIx is getting old, and (worse) entirely too trendy. I need fresh meat. Where are all the niggers, chinks, rednecks and chugs?



#29 2007-11-17 21:51:37

Taint wrote:

I was on the net back in the late 80s; I'll take today's version in a heartbeat.

I was mucking about on BBS's in the mid 80's.  FidoNet, WWIVnet.  We had all the "network" we needed.



#30 2007-11-17 22:06:47

Zookeeper wrote:

Taint wrote:

I was on the net back in the late 80s; I'll take today's version in a heartbeat.

I was mucking about on BBS's in the mid 80's.  FidoNet, WWIVnet.  We had all the "network" we needed.

This is my first foray into fora since the late '80s. The BBS system was in some ways more interesting than the web, especially since most of us were imbued with the sense that we were hacking our way through virgin territory. Who didn't like it? Those too TV-pickled to enjoy anything that didn't come with obnoxious sounds and rapidly moving images. (In addition, IMAO, some of the best computer games ever were made entirely of text, driven by the power of drugs and imagination. Also, they were cheaper, being generally purchasable for only a few zorkmids.)



#31 2007-11-17 22:41:50

WilberCuntLicker wrote:


WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Those too TV-pickled to enjoy anything that didn't come with obnoxious sounds and rapidly moving images.

Don't you just hate people like that?



#32 2007-11-18 00:24:06

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

In addition, IMAO, some of the best computer games ever were made entirely of text, driven by the power of drugs and imagination. Also, they were cheaper, being generally purchasable for only a few zorkmids.

I mapped out and finished Zork I, II and III without the help of any InvisiClues, walk-throughs or drugs.  Also finished Enchanter.  Started but never finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  Tooled around with but never finised Leather Goddesses of Phobos as well.

Most of the classic Infocom games are here online now.



#34 2007-11-18 01:26:14

opsec wrote:

felch wrote:

The internet was so much more interesting and civilised when it was text based and you actually had to educate yourself in order to be able to use it.

You must have missed the alt. newsgroups.  We were flattening the intelligence curve even then.

Alt.* was tameable and entertaining - with judicious use of killfiles. Killfiles are sadly unavailable here. Hence reetarded-baboons-n-mirrors post count races.

Alt.* - when freaks were freaks and pENIx wannabees were doomed to flipping burgers.




#35 2007-11-18 01:28:52

Felch, let it go.



#36 2007-11-18 02:06:03

Taint wrote:

Felch, let it go.

'K. Soon as mindless drive by flaming and flatus for flatus sake stop being a marker of "status".

You may notice, I may not post for days, weeks or months. Not because I'm not reading. Its because I have no junkie compulsion to post, unlike far too many here.

Some subnormal cretin decided to earn some weenie points by taking a pot-shot at me because pea-brain thinks its a "regular". Just rubbing its nose in its own uneducated illiterate nappy. It soils itself at every step.

Start discouraging this brainless noise, instead of rewarding it with polls, and you're more than half way there.




#37 2007-11-18 02:16:04

felch wrote:

You may notice, I may not post for days, weeks or months. Not because I'm not reading. Its because I have no junkie compulsion to post, unlike far too many here.

Hey . . .  Okay, fair enough.



#38 2007-11-18 10:56:15

Zookeeper wrote:

Taint wrote:

I was on the net back in the late 80s; I'll take today's version in a heartbeat.

I was mucking about on BBS's in the mid 80's.  FidoNet, WWIVnet.  We had all the "network" we needed.

God, how I miss BBS's, and chatting with the SYSOP to make yourself feel all important.  Random days of Food Fight, and L.O.R.D...

Fighting my brother for my turn to play my character "Esmerelda" for the day.  Waiting until 12:01 on a weeknight so I could be ahead in the stats, even if only for one fleeting moment...

1200 baud was hot.



#39 2007-11-18 11:00:32

<i>In addition, IMAO, some of the best computer games ever were made entirely of text, driven by the power of drugs and imagination. Also, they were cheaper, being generally purchasable for only a few zorkmids.</i>

Hey Wilbur, have you ever played <a href="http://lkbm.ecritters.biz/cotw/download.html">Castle of the Winds</a>???  I remember my brother and I chipped in our hard earned money to pay the $25 fee so that we could get the 2nd part of the game.

This past August when we were on vacation at the beach (my bro and his wife,, and me and the "A"ussie) we downloaded it again for old times sake, and I'd be a liar if I didn't admit him and I played it nonstop for the 2 days it rained there.  It's still awesome.  It's still worth a download if, like you say, you appreciate the simpler games still.



#40 2007-11-18 13:14:35

Adventure opened up a new world for me, and helped take the edge off the mind-numbing stupidity of the 1970s. Between it and the Talking Heads I just barely managed to crawl out of a deep disco-induced depression.

Zookeeper wrote:

I mapped out and finished Zork I, II and III without the help of any InvisiClues, walk-throughs or drugs. Also finished Enchanter.

Same but with drugs. (I never cheat at games unless there's money involved.) Later I played Return to Zork, which was graphical and many funs, but not quite as interesting as the originals with their texty goodness.

Zookeeper wrote:

Started but never finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  Tooled around with but never finised Leather Goddesses of Phobos as well.

Haha...we're batting a hundred here. Remember the scratch 'n' sniff card that came with LGs of P? I was really pissed off that none of them smelled like cunt. (Still am, when I think about it.) As for Hitchhikers, I think I finished it, but it wasn't very good. There was a graphical version later that was so boring I stopped playing after the first few rooms.



#41 2007-11-18 13:17:53

Roger_That wrote:

Hey Wilbur, have you ever played <a href="http://lkbm.ecritters.biz/cotw/download.html">Castle of the Winds</a>???

No - but I'm about to. Thx.



#42 2007-11-18 16:02:10

Roger_That wrote:

God, how I miss BBS's, and chatting with the SYSOP to make yourself feel all important.  Random days of Food Fight, and L.O.R.D...

I kicked ass in Food Fight.  Chatting with the sysop was cool if you were in the mood for it but if you were in leach mode (just playing or downloading stuff) it was kind of a pain to get pulled into chat.  This one board I frequented had a sysop who really had no life (worse even than it was with most sysops).  It was a great board but I tried to limit my log on times to times when I hoped he wasn't around because he would always pull me into chat if he saw I (or anyone else) was online.



#43 2007-11-18 17:50:48

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Hey Wilbur, have you ever played <a href="http://lkbm.ecritters.biz/cotw/download.html">Castle of the Winds</a>???

No - but I'm about to. Thx.

See you in 3 days....



#44 2007-11-18 17:54:37

Zookeeper wrote:

This one board I frequented had a sysop who really had no life (worse even than it was with most sysops).  It was a great board but I tried to limit my log on times to times when I hoped he wasn't around because he would always pull me into chat if he saw I (or anyone else) was online.

Heh.  I know those well.  On the reverse side of the coin, I liked to hit the "c"hat with sysop button incessantly until I got banned from a BBS that I didn't like because it allowed cheating on my favorite BBS games.

I was #1 in food fight for a 2 month streak at one time.  I can't tell you how much it pissed off my little brother.

And my favorite quote from my mom over the beeping of the modem trying to connect on the phone line..." R*$8493oooger_Th392**#$848--at...  get OFF*834a90(99)(that FUCKI%&34ng Modem#A*$(!!!@#* Now!!"

bwaahah.  When we got call waiting (specifically so my mom could stop stressing that someone got a busy signal when we were BBS'ing...) we quickly figured out how to disable call waiting.  It gave my mom the false sense of security that her sisters could always get through by kicking us off the line...while giving us the real security that she was stupider than us.



#45 2007-11-18 18:00:18

Willlllbur, if you play long enough, you will appreciate this:


Last edited by Roger_That (2007-11-18 18:01:03)



#46 2007-11-18 18:50:37

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Cunt Fight, Cunt Fight!

I want to break 1000 first.

I hate to say this, but I think he'll win, Rogers. [sic]

Har-di-har. Roger wins.

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

Good point. You're comparing yourself to people who participate in the administration of the site.

Yes, that was exactly what I was doing, but you were looking at it a bit backward. If it's the staff of a given forum who have the highest postcounts, then it looks to all others like a private pisspot, and fewer will join. Not that this was a deliberate, stated mission, but I'm done doing favors. Few forums ever got past six months whose members sat on their asses and waited for 'someone else' to post. If anyone doesn't like what I write, then they're free to add whatever the fuck they want. Commenting on what I write is just a bloody waste of everyone's time. Speaking of which...

felch wrote:

You may notice, I may not post for days, weeks or months. Not because I'm not reading. Its because I have no junkie compulsion to post, unlike far too many here.


We know you're here and reading, because you are clearly enamored of your own voice and like to ree-peat the same links over and over. We just can't figure out why. And could you spin that primary-colored Metaphor Wheel around to something other than scat? It's getting a little stale.

Oh, and brilliant move insulting everybody else. I'd said "Just let me step out of the way for a day or so, and he'll start to cannibalize whoever's present." Do you also sit, stay, and play dead?




#47 2007-11-18 18:57:44

pALEPHx wrote:

Commenting on what I write...

Damn the lack of Editing. I meant that as "...for its own sake." Obviously, I'm not implying that people can't respond to my posts. It's the Doing Nothing But Deride Them part that would make anyone seem as if they're resting on the dregs of their reputation at a site that no longer exists.

Viva la High Street.

Oh, and turn off that muthafukkin word-sub, you goons.



#48 2007-11-18 19:00:08

Holy shit, talk about perpetuating.  pENIx, everyone pretty much just changed the flow of this post to old time BBS's and the internets (a time when you were probably still sucking on mommy's titty) - and you go and turn the focus back on to yourself.  Talk about needy.  Memememememe.

You have to know when to fold your hand, dude.  Now would have been a good time.

And Felch is from Australia.  So he can spell shit any which way he wants.  Btw, I would expect nothing less from a homo than to correct a breeder on the spelling of a word like "feltch/felch".




#49 2007-11-18 19:03:14

bwahah.  I just went into the admin and saw that pALEPHx was changed to pENIx.  And here I had been changing it by hand all this time.

Ok, who's responsible.  On the upside, your choice is limited to 7 users instead of 15 this time.
Well 6, because you can count me out.  Though I wish I had thought of it.  And pENIx, WCL isn't an admin so it wasn't him either.


Can we please go back to talking about BBS's and the days of yore?  I have a really shitty cold and I need something to amuse me.



#50 2007-11-18 19:37:37

Sorry, RT, I was there but can't conjure up a lot of happy memories about it now.  Gonna go spill some Olde English for my homies who didn't make it past the early 90's...

pALEPHx wrote:

Yes, that was exactly what I was doing, but you were looking at it a bit backward. If it's the staff of a given forum who have the highest postcounts, then it looks to all others like a private pisspot, and fewer will join. Not that this was a deliberate, stated mission, but I'm done doing favors. Few forums ever got past six months whose members sat on their asses and waited for 'someone else' to post. If anyone doesn't like what I write, then they're free to add whatever the fuck they want. Commenting on what I write is just a bloody waste of everyone's time. Speaking of which...

I call bullshit on this.  How many times have you told someone to stop posting here and go elsewhere?  As if you have the authority to speak for others, who are able to dish out -- open your little reporter's notebook -- amusing, effective, targeted verbal abuse, or have the ability to say who can and can not post here!  Some of your stuff I appreciate, some of it I could overhear in a Jr. High lunchroom, but for fuck's sake you cannot self-righteously claim that you are giving your all to attract & keep posters here with that kind of behavior. 

You appear to go through cycles in which you caper & dance for attention regardless of the informative or emotive content of your writing, which is fine, some people enjoy reading that, & periods where you attempt to target those you imagine or wish to be less integrated into this "community," again apparently for some kind of approval.  You don't appear to understand that this is not entertaining or endearing, and those of us you attempt to "bitch slap" generally don't give a rat's ass about you and are unlikely to. 

I think that Felch may have continued to communicate with you here to set you up as an "anti-horse," someone who posts prolifically but with little engaging content.  That's too bad.  The few actual links you post can be amusing - you've been baited into reacting instead.

PM me your address so I can send you a Thanksgiving basket of Tuck's, Midol PM, and clean needles.




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